impulses reach a certain intensity the verbal aggressiveness is trans-formed into physical violence, rumors are transformed into rebellion and chattering into genocide);10 5. slaughter (lynching, pogroms, mas-sacres are consequences of a belief in that a biological threat exists, social Darwinism, the successe of a »final solution« for a nation whose presence is undesirable).

In spite of the fact that differences within a society or nation are greater than the differences between two nations after they have reached a similar level of development, nationalists try to stress the difference between nations and their culture (which is universal) and want to diminish the differences within their own nation. They are convinced that the differences within their own nation are not the cotisequences of real social relations but the conseąuences of some imported ideas. Xenophobia, hatred of all foreigners and their influence and against everybody who wants to speak in the name of something supra-national and universally huma is construed to be a destruction of national identity and existence. Ethno-centrism express-es its patriotism as hatred against foreign ideas and agents who import foreign ideas. It is obvious that the strangers and foreign ideas are used as a scapegoat of one’s own misfortunes. The mechanism for the transfer of hate into outer elements, due to inner conflicts and frustrations, has been explained by psychoanalysis a long time ago. Nationalism and chauvinism in a developed society are recognizable as a collective neurosis and it is no wonder that it gathers a great number of imbalanced an immature personalities and often there oc-curs an unexpected fusion of »primitive mentality« or »primitive types with tribal dispositions« with intellectuals who are frustrated in their ambitions, tom by their unsolved conflicts, wavering in their goals, yearning for strong social authority and a strict social order. When social movements veer to the right, there is a reduction of the I. Q. factor and a weakening of morał integrity among the adherents as was experimentally proved. This is the reason why we find among ihem so many prestigious plagerists, falsificators and card cheats. Numerous researches have confirmed the desire for authoritarian government among right wing intellectuals. The impotence of their personal polit-

nationally uncommital, and the religious Identification was completely excluded from the form even though it is a guaranteed right and religious affiliation re-presents a very important social aspect for all kinds of scientific analysis. The ci-tizens who have been affected by this discrimination had a perfect right to protest to the U. N. and to draw attention to the fact that the Yugoslav government does not abide by its commitment.

10 At the Nuremberg trial Rosenberg and Streicher the ideologists of the Nazi party defended themselves saying that they were not responsible for the deaths of two and one half million Jews at Auschwitz because they did not assume that their writings could cause such evil. However, the commander of the concentration camp Colonel Hoess said in his defense that such writings induced him to consider the exterminations of Jews a »normal thing« in the interest of the German nation. French law courts punished collaboratin? intellectuals morę severely than common collaborators because they were viewed as instigators of collaboration morę responsible than common collaborators. Such an Outlook is justified and this example should be kept in mind.



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