Passive operating system fingerprinting using neural networks... 19

too. The multi-stage architecture was build only for systems that meet the minimum 1% occurrence of ąuantity (Windows, Linux, BSD, etc).

Passive operating system fingerprinting using neural networks... 19

Recognitionot OS

name RecognitionOS \/ersion

Recognition of OS name

RecognitionOS version

■ Learning set



■ Testing set



Figurę 4. Results by recognition depth

One should notę that: for modified TCP/IP stacks and when the original signatures were not placed in the training set - the network gives 97,7% correct classification ratę. When trying to additionally determine the exact version of the OS - the ratę dropped, but still was very high - 85%.

4. Induction of decision rules, Pareto-optimal rules

To have a better understanding of the data set we also decided to do the induction of decision rules. Discovering interesting and statistically relevant rules may allow to per-form simple OS fingerprinting without a neural network classifier, sińce ‘if-then’ rules are of high interpretive value for humans.

10 10 1

Figurę 5. Best neural network topology (3 layers, 10 neurons in every hidden layer)


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