Fig. 2. Determination of the number of cells of lactic acid bacteria in 10 3 L. of ciot
On the basis of the conducted complex study the following strains of microorganisms S. lactis SSa-1 and 5. cremoris K-3 are recommended as starters for manufacture of milk desserts.
The generał characteristics of strain S. lactis SSa-1: form of cells - cocci is situated alone or in pairs, form short chains of 2-4 cells. The size of the cells is 0.8-0.9 mkm, all cells were coloured according to the Grum positively, are immobile, do not form spores.
S. lactis is a microorganism, most widely used to manufacture sour-milk products. Under its influence a very dense, pricking ciot is formed (13).
Morphology of cells S. cremoris K-3 different from S. lactis SSa-1 looks like short chains of 3-5 segments, the size of cells is 0.8-1.0 mkm. The time of ripening at introduction of 3% starter is 5-5.5 h. The optimum temperaturę of development is 22-30 °C. They do not give zrowth in the 4-6 % NaCl, regenerate and :oagulate litmus milk. These organisms have expressive antagonistic properties, are phage-resistant, have a considerable resistance to the zction of a number of antibiotics (gentamicin, Teptomycin), and use of this strain in nanufacture of sour-milk product, intended for netic and preventive food, is substantiated.
S. lactis and S. cremoris are typical
7?oresentatives of lactic acid fermentation and
zre present practically in all milk products. They : lay an important role in the process of ripening cd formation of sour-milk products. S.
-rmoris forms clots that resemble sour cream r consistency. This property allows to apply ±is strain at manufacture of sour milk products, iiaracterized by thick consistency.
In the assortment of manufactured sour - k additives together with the traditional set
combined grain products get morę :tvelopment. The main purpose of the grain i_ers in these products is the enrichment of them by vitamins, microelements, dietary fibers, organie acids and also in a stimulating impact on lactic acid microorganisms. The combination of plant and milk raw materials is a perspective trend in creation of qualitatively new food products. Theory and practice of combining milk raw materiał with raw materiał of plant origin, among them ones with grain components - is one of the actual trends in food industry and further it will get a greater development.
The structure of grains of flour starch is crystalline one and finely dispersed. Starch is characterized by considerable adsorption ability, because of this; it can bind a large amount of water in usual temperaturę conditions. Dextrines are the primary products of starch hydrolysis, colloidal substances that form adhesive Solutions with water. The molecular mass and dextrines' properties depend on the degree of starch hydrolysis. Wheat flour from germinated grain contains about 3-5 % of dextrines. Dextrines bind water badly.
In the composition of flour from germinated wheat there are dietary fibers -pectin, lignin, cellular, hemicelluloses, which promote the growth of lactic acid bacteria. Into the media of cultivation of lactic acid bacteria carbohydrates are additionally introduced; fermentation of carbohydrates and alcohols is an important diagnostic feature of lactic acid cultures. According to the data from scientific-technical literaturę about the composition of the germinated wheat, it is pointed out, that they are rich in vitamin B necessary for the growth of lactic acid bacteria.
Figurę 3 presents the stimulating impact of the germinated wheat on lactic acid microorganisms.
Experimental studies demonstrated that the total number of bacteria with the inerease of flour dose from germinated wheat inereases. With the inerease of the dose, introduced into the milk of germinated wheat, the coagulation
Journal oflndustriol Technology and Engineering, 2012, 2(3): 29 36