N. Yeshankulova, Z.Dildabaeva, Z.Akhmedovt A.Halmurzaeva
A.Kodirii’ Jizzah State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan Institute of Microbiology Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
In the article presented a study about the establishment of specific composition of the soil microflora, occupied by Capers natural and artificial habitats, as well as identified a group of microorganisms that colonize the root system of the phases of plant development. It is shown that the soil of natural habitats and seedlings through root exudates, promotes plentiful accumulation of microorganisms around the roots during the whole period of their growth.Fungi represent a smali proportion of the microbial population, although in some soil samples, their number reached 15-25 thousand/g soil. The most common wcre the representatives of fungi of the genus Trichoderma, Fusarium, Aspergillus, Penicillium. One of the most common forms of spore-forming microorganisms helpful bacteria Bac.idosus, Bac.mesentericus, Bac.mucoides.
Keywords: capers, soil cultivation, fungus, bacteria, genus
Journal oflndustrial Technology and Engineering, 2012, 2(3): 41 - 44
For reproduction, dissemination and active growth of wild and cultivated plant species Capers important soil microbial landscape. That m such extreme conditions and arid zones and łbrupt climatic conditions assist for the plant growing, by delivering nutrients and soil nitrogen fixation, as well as protecting plants Capers from the action phytopathogenes their reriod of vegetative growth.
Central Asia - is part of the worldwide -here a globalization is the rapid pace of rinancial, economic, technical, environmental, nd many other programs and directions. Lnfortunately, about 70 % of the territory of Tentral Asia is hot desert land, takyrs adyrs, aountain, foothill areas, most of which are not menable to irrigation. Mastering these vast -eserves leads to an increase of agricultural rroducts, the production of feed and food, but i_so hcalthier soil, maintains the ecological ralance of naturę. Conseąuently, the immcdiate :z>k of florists, ecology and biotechnology is the cudy of biological and economically valuable :-ants from family thermoxerophytes primarily żr the assimilation of Arid Zones and reserve ands by their introduction for the purpose of remediation of soils and produce mcdicinal -roducts for food industry. It should be . msidered as utilitarian properties of the plant Kki its compliance with the biological . !2racteristics of growing in harsh conditions r"?thermic where soil moisture is a zero valuc, and the air temperaturę is 65-70 C, penetrating the soil depth of 0-15 cm
In this paper, these land areas for the adoption found it expedient to cultivate plant unconventional capers, having deep roots, sometimes with a length of 15-20 meters everywhere penetrating; water is not consumed, growing on sandy, rocky soils and altitudes. This plant has a very valuable biological significance both in tcrms of the unique Chemical composition of flowers, buds, fruits, stems and rhizosphere.
It is no secret that in recent years greatly increased consumer demand fruit Capparisspinosa.L. in Europę and the CIS that is very promising wild plants . Household dignity capers known peoples of Asia and Europę [1]. Population of Central Asia has long been used for its seeds edible oil, eats flesh, which contains 12 % sugar and 12% morę unique proteins. In the famous "Canon of Medicine” of Abu Ali Ibn Sin it is reported about medicinal properties of all of the officinal plant - capers. In France, Greece and Italy the Capers cultivate only because flower buds [2] . During the Processing of the fruit flesh can get alcohol and vinegar, capers and used in folk medicine as follows: out of his ground and underground parts prepared medicinal remedies for hemorrhoids, sore throat, against headache, toothache, rheumatism, tuberculosis, various tumors and uleers. In beekeeping the Capers use