as a first-class honey and pcrganos. Flowers secrete nectar it in very large quantities. Since ancient times, people of many countries are prepared from buds capers marinades. From the roots get paint on the earth of the capers are used as forage, especially in dcsert conditions. Ali of the fresh capers have diuretic, astringent, antiseptic, wound healing and analgesic properties. In medical applications most often used fresh bark of the roots of capers or decoctions. In fresh bark roots Caper applied for cleansing and healing to suppurating wounds and ulcers. He is also well helps in the treatment of diseases of the spleen, hypochondria and hystcrical seizures. Capers are recommended for hypertension, because they possess the ability to lower the arterial blood pressure. The study forms part of the wild plants showed that Capparisspinosa.L. - A perennial plant , herbaceous , with many creeping, arboreous at the base, glabrous or sparsely pubescent shoots 200-370 cm length of the young plants are morę or less densely covered with deciduous hairs later [3].
It should be noted this genus includes about 300 species of shrubs, trees, vines and perennial grasses, common not only in and , but in subtropical and tropical regions of the planet. Currently, the number of births has increased from 45 to 900 species.
Stipules have yellow slightly curved spines 4 -7mm length. The flowers are large, from 4-5 to 8 cm, fragrant, solitary in the axils of leaves, sepals (4 pieces) concave, ovate pointed out, short green colored. Pedicels are usually longer than the adjacent sheet (3-5cm). Fruits are green, with a smooth surface and longitudinal white veins, sitting on long stalks - gynophore and vary greatly in shape and size, 3-6 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide fruit contains up to 570 seeds, located in its crimson red pulp. The fruits ripen in June-October. In Spain, Italy, France and Africa varietal are grown capers. On the Italian island of Pantelleria capers grow, get Mark IGP (protected geographical name) [4,5]. The best varieties Caper yield compete with grapes , the morę that the cost of growing capers minimal. and one plant per season harvested buds about 3 kg [6,7].
Homeland caper-bush is Mediterranean and Central Asia. These prickly plants are extremely hardy, easily withstand the heat and salty sea spray and even able to grow on bare rocks.
Like all plants, capers are rich in vitamins, fiber, organie acids. Buds contain about 25 % protein and 3% fat, fruits rich in vitamin C and iodine, in the seeds contain up to 36 % oil [8, 9 and 10].
Soil conditions are very diverse habitats capers; they met on clay, loess dense substrates on Coastal cliffs, sandy plains (rarely), and earthy hilly slopes, foothills and proluvial talus deposits.
Studies have shown that, capers refers to oligotrophic plants throughout its distribution it prefers dry, heavily sunlit place grows on poor soils the toughest, best developed sevcral salinę.
It is also interesting that the capers grow well in hanging position on pedestals brick building, on the dome of the old buildings and in the crcvices of brick and cement walls in different cities of Central Asia.
In generał, the above described literaturę and our findings suggest valuable meaning cultivation capers that also allows us to study clearly biological, Chemical and physical processes occurring in soils of different types of mechanisms of action of soil microorganisms, especially fungi, influencing directly on the structure, composition and biological properties of the soil, without that it is impossible to understand the natural processes for recovery, inerease fertility leading to the important value in agriculture.
Based on the above, in this paper for the assimilation of putin lands and maintain the ecological balance of naturę conducted research on culture capers as seedlings and seeds to ascertain the reason for the widespread and livable part of the plants in the arid areas of Central Asia, by comparing the microbial landscape of the natural (of space natural growth capers) and cultivated soil (artificial cultivation), occupied by capers in various year seasons.
For this purpose, seedlings (30-40 cm) capers, taken from desert areas (Mirzachul) were planted in March 2012 in the amount of 20 pieces in unirrigated soil through 60x90 cm distance. It was watched the growth and development of cultivated plants and wild plants, soil indicators studied, mainly microbiological landscape during vegetative growth of both growth options capers.
Journal oflndustrial Technology and Engineering, 2012, 2(3): 41 - 44