Volume XLI
* 3Bands*l 2metres 7Ccms* (10MHz) & 6M* plugs-*ns.
* Fu> Dupie* *1 Cross band Tx Er Rx simultaneousN
* SSB CW-FMI Ali optimumly catcred for. clarifier all modes.
* Vanab>e bandwkJth and IF srWftł SSB Er CW.
* Processorl Front panel mic gain and variable power.
* Two main VFO'sł A Er 8 with 20tz/1KHz steps.
* Separata channełised VFOI (for FM operation).
a Scanningl band scen, me mory scen. memory modę.
* Repeater splitsl programmable and preset.
* Instant reversal and ♦ Er - splits and A/B.
* Twin maters; PO/DISC, S/AIC. Dupie* switchable.
* Switchable; AGC. CW bandwidth.* dial lock, noise bianker.
* Pfiority channel operational split modę and Split band.
FT72fF(2) Transceiver c/w 144 MHz £699.00
43CJT726 43D440MHz module £230 00
50T726 Six metar module £170 00
SAT726 Fuli dupiax unit £90 00
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Rx: 15CkHz-3CMHz. Continuous generał coverage. Tx: 16Ol0m(9bands)or 1.5MHz commercial.
All Modes: AM. CW. FM*. FSK. LS8. USB. 10VF0’sl!( Any Tx-Rx spM withm coverage.
Two freguency selection ways. no bandswitch. Main dial. va»vet smooth. 1(>lz resokition.
Inbuilt keyboard w.th up/down scannmg. Dedcatad digital display for RIT offset.
Receiver dynamie rangę up to 100d8l!l SSB: \/anable bandwdth and IF Shift.
300* or 60CHZ*. 2400- 300Hz*. *Hz*. 13iHz* Audio peak and notch filter. FM squelch.
Advanced variabla threshold noise bianker.
10CM/ RF. (50% Outy F.S.K.). solid State.
Mams and 12VDC. Swrtch modę PSU burft in.
RF processor. Auto mic gain contro). V0X Last but not least fuli break-m on CW.
* 160 lOmetres mcluding new allocations.
* Vanable IF bandwidth 24kHz down to 30CHz.
* Aud>o Peak and independent notch Controls.
* AM. FSK.USB. LSB. CW. FM. (TxandRx).
* Semi-break in, inbuilt Curtis IC Keyer
a Digital* plus anaigua fraouency displays. a V0X buiit in and adjustabie. a Instant write in memory channel. a Tune up button (10 sec. of fuli power). a Switchable AGC and RF attenuator. a 350or 600 Hz CW. OcHz. AM filtars tncludedf a Clarifier (RIT) Switchable on Tx. Rx or both. a Pług in modular. Computer style constructor. a Fuły adiustable RF Speech processor. a Ergonomieally des^gned with necessary LEDS. a Incredible rangę of matching accessories _a Uniyęrsal power supply 11Q234V AC and 12V DC.
FREE FTV901R transvertor frame with evary FT902 List £195.00
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* 150IW)X 50H)X 176<D)mm.ll
* Up/down. memory/barvd scanmng.
* Easy "wntem" memory channels.
* Memory back up *'5yeaf" lithiumcell.
* Ten memones with priority functions.
* Supplted with scanmng microphone
* llluminated "any angka" LCD display.
* Display to 100’s of Hi and functions.
* Two completety independent VFO*s.
* Operation between memory and VFO.
* Fuli rave#se repeater funebon.
* Manuał and automatic tonę burst.
* Larga "fuli sound" intarnal speaker.
* Concentnc volume and squ#lch.
Multimode USB. LS8. FM. CW.
100Hz backlit LCD Frequency display.
10memory channels 'Śyear' backup. Any Tx/Rx Split with dual VFOs. Up/down tuning from microphone.
AF output IW @ 10% THD.
Bandwidth 2.4kHz and 14kHz @ -6dB. LED's 'On Air', 'Busy'. m/c meter; S. PO. 58IH) x 1501 W) x 195ID) (1.3cg).
SMC22 Nicad 2 2 A/hr “C"..............£270
SMC8C Slow Charger (22C>nA)...........£980
MMB11 Mobile Mount.................£24 90
CSC 1A Soft carrying case...............£3 85
FL2010 bnear Ampkfier 2m IOW........£59 00
FL7010 bnear AmpHfier 70cms.........£91.00
Free Securtcot detvery on mapr ♦gmpment Access and Berclaycard over the phona. Biggest Branch agent and dealer nstwork Securfcor B' Senrce contract st £4.49 - Brggest stockiet of amateur egmpment.
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