V • » '* »%•/„»»••»» ł. .. . . w ___
C:\Tcr.gan-lanc, C:irm>crdoxvn Ac.—Fahe protom-es ; brenek <
(fcmule), 35 ‘ eumlii :«*»*» rdeaso, 000 C»:
Riyideiico of Mrs. Braithng, Cbrist:ar..son, M.—Preimscs
■r • ~ ’' lireo, 'ct 9
broker, and entercd, 423 Chapman J. Ii.—Wićc* doscrter,
ro 8
Ctapntin 1,., alias II. T. Will-.s, —Break, cntcr, and stcnl; dlsohargrd, 201: break, cntcr, intoiil alenl; Ulegali y iisi». luotcr car, break, enter, and Steni; will; dra wn, 331, 4 OS CT.apnmu M. ilcifcr stolcu, 468; ree«vcr:*d, 476 Chapman N. ii.—Tyro, tubo and ■rinc in poKsession of, 511 Chapman S.—King stolon, 254
Chapman V. H. Money atolem Irom by trick, 97 Chappell li. E.—Faii altend oonuuilsory drill, 409 Cli.ippfe H.— Money stolcu, J13, 544 , 037
Chard J.—Wrisl wakdi stolcu. 352
Chardnn TC.—Bracelct stolca, 108
Chapman J. O. - nwcliinc Child abnudoned fit.—tMiluw/J. "Christianom/* alias II. S. Colo, Clareborough P—Uorac stoku, • ■ ^ .«<%•, -- —ttafea nretoncrea: bronek 66
Cin remont L., ulino I,. Vou-Beckum, &r.—Break, en tor
and steal, 175, 1U2
for Wouion. ChgK ^-Wrbt waUh stolon, Claroya A.-Falso pro.onocs on, SttK; 5Pork, Kotu, Chciwo A.-W, ontor nn,l dnr^ A.-BUoboy magiel
lio*C^ la,,,! off For- "* 'w
m rood-fomnlc (jJJgtio F,—Broalt, cntcr nnd Clark B.—Stcnling, P.O., *08
ParrninattiŁ — małe infant y (, * Clark E. B.—Assaulud, o4, U8,
^ i' 0.; 'lis- Clark i\—Kmbozfclcmnnt, 444
Harris Park, 403 II Misami? 644 Clark y- J.—Breadi conditioua
r,c infant fcund Oh|tle ’ XV. -Bicyclo stolon,
Cbu’hnW3A St' nC"^,<!* * ehrWiwn S. W.-Sf«ling, C1“Ł «• de‘*vlcr<
Lnoloju vcrnro c^.o^n'K.-Mnl.o.ousiy Obrk I. M. IŁ Assaultod, MS
( * wonnding; gricroua bodily Clark J.—Wałek, jo woliery, &c..,
168 ‘Home, , S77 )in.r,n 0ji, 234, 317 stolcu, 63
Cbuiks C. A.-Wifc dosencr. t.c^lonff-r^ “Chronos" «- o., 323 Clark J.-Shop brokwi ani
119 Child Chllbb K.—Complaina»,t falw entored, 309
fiiarlo* R. B.—Pa1*2 prelcnecs Appomlinent of Polno prctcnccs, 607 Clark J.—Wifc dosertor, 1S3,
on ; camera atOlcnL 344 _V?i^.i irui Chubb W.—Falso prctences on, 373
alias T. Hawthnrne, -Fal sc prctcnccs, 21>1, ; disebarged on licensc.
x;nillłroil» \uuri, o,nmvi, ‘-”-
knowleilgc of, C23- Childs A. A—Wifo desertcr,
CbarJtoii K.-—Buuposed in eom- 191
—tłinbezjiloment, 57ł
—Stoal in dwóUing, ^1*^ Clark M.—Motor car and sUed Qbuń Go—Blealiiig (hcc 'Cliun uialicLou&l? aet. flre. 41 fi
Chi pije lidu II A. Break, cnlcr, trrial ordnr, 112 .. , -
Cliatsworth Islnnd Police Sta- ChurcIiHI U. H — Witeb and ULŁ^r^1 on* 501
tron.--Ynetowy At, 59), 627 Chippiudall M, R.—Btoaliag, jowcllcry Hlo‘cn. 303 * L
•>VWV » « "4 VII, I/VX
Clark W. P.—Kavel desertrr, 586
ropę (se
Cl.ee, Ac”)
Oliee 11.—AftMinlted, 119
(. heeaoman M.—Shopbreaking
on, 183
Cl-.eeibom >T.—Murdor, 59?
Cl-.oetham W. B.—Mnrdercd oft l
Clirl.1*-w A. R- J'\‘;!j*o pretenset ęi»]
Obco Ab, filias Ar Sac.—Assault ?-7 _ ClnirehiU ” 8.—Btealinir Fo .
tuleni commit ropo (s*e uAh ( h»«liohn R. J. —Complł. ta «73 9 * * -Hjgamy ^
......... r, rp_T.,.1_.....
• • w. v« itumii
Obisholm W—Forgesl r.beques Cuwwtta A. — Complt. stwuiug, ^Falao jirctHices, 372, 435
nurporied signrd by, 623 93 . . Cłarkc A.—lllegally use motor
243 —'"Whcn the Kelly*s weic Clarkc A.—WntcL, albert and
» CliiiHek Brus-, CJriflHh, 50, 90, «UĆ,*? 449 . medal stolcu. 404
I Chittiek A. M.—Cattlc 3to.cn, Cine.matograpb film prohibited CUfł 076
( hild fon ml abaudomd • tcrial Rnilv/ft%y carriage at Central CHirlst Btalion. Bvdnev, -"3 missi--^ „
Cornor of Brook nnd Carr “Cbnstianson, Streets, Coogee, 63 ^