
“siid/r" to the extremity of the path in wilieh it works. The buli, then leaning shghtly over the balance against the 5tay, ran theie remain at rest, and the hands can be removt1d froiu the ropę, Tbe mouth-upward beli, as shown on the frontispiece, is then saki to be "set."

W hen bells are rung up. thcy are sani tn be rang nt a " set-puli," whirh meaus llial ihey are rung at such a " he.ght " that at uny one puli they may, tf dcsired, be set, and i: is wiih bells rung at this height that rounds and changes a;e rang.

When a boli is set in the posilion shown on the 1eft of the frontispiece, and the ropę is nearjy all ofT the arcumfercnce of the wheel, it is sani to be set at “ hand-strokc." When ii is “ piillrd-off" and rcvo]ved in llie roni rury direetton the ropę bcing thus gatbered up roiind the circumference of the whed— il is suid to be set at “ baek-stroke.” In ilic foriner case the end of the ropę is grasped in one ha rui, while both liatnl:1 grasp the “scillyas the thieh soft part of the iope is called (lig. i); in the other case the end of the. ropę only, genentlly called llie “ rojte-turl," is grasped irt both liands (hg.


In Yorkshire, the rupes. instead uf bei»K doubled back ai Jhe cud. as in the South, urc madę as shown in fiyures i and 2, with a single leugih below the sally. the last tilieen ittehesor soof which hasał su tufting woven in, these e nos are much suit er to (he ii.mds and verv mmli limiter and less dumny than thosa \i:,łh ihfc doublc-ends. llavinga ihnroiigh aci.piainfance wił li both de.stnptioris of tope. t am decidedly in favour of łliese shown. They can lx' adjusterl by making a kmu between the sally and tlie etui; a single knot will th»s shorten a rupe ,ił>out acouple of mdies, and a figurę 1'S " knot will make u ditterenct: uf abmit double tbal djstauce. As the rnpt1 is not. bkc Ihe double-cntled unes, madę thickei below tbe sally, these knuts do not make the er.,1 anv morę clurusy '„han a double-cntled ropę These rupe-erui iengths rojuire to te madę to stul the dłameters oj the vanou=> w heeb. The Ibickesr part of the tufting must be the end of all. su as not to slip thruu^h the hard. Knob siu u Id be tnade clost to Ihe luft eml. Wooden blo.tks, or pUlbn m», difti-rmg in thickntss. a-e ustal whrn the ropes are toc, short.


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