On Ringmg Chan ges on thc Bells.
not practically alter the resulting blow. Eacli ringer must, therefore, at once remove his eyes from the ropę which he is following, and glancing round must single out the ropę that bas been pnlled ajter him.
If beginners would only take the advice that is here given, and neecr lock longer than is absolutely neeessary at the beli they are following, their troubles would be very much lessened. This is one of the most enrnmon faults to be met with. In con-nection with this matter, I may add that it is rnore by the motion of the arms of Jiiscompanion that eacli ringer iitids his way ihan by the actual motion of the ropes. Thus it is quite possible for roeu to ring changes and peals in belfnes where the sallics disappear through the fluor above them, and where, at back stroke, thc hands of the ritigers are elose to the ceiling. Kot that such belfries are to be desired, or, if avoidable, to be tolerated; 1 mercly menlion the matter lo show the extenl to which a ringer is guided by the movements of the arms of his companions, in picking out the particular ropę he wants.
Now refcrring again to the man ringing the treble on three bells: during rounds the second beli has becn continualiy struck after his; on commencing changes he therefore follows that beli, taking care, as soon as his beli has been pulled off at the proper interval, to remove his eyes and look round to see wlio follows him. This will be the third beli. At the ncxt stroke he will therefore foliow the third, and will then ftnd himseif at the back^ where he will have to strike another blow to complete his “whole puli behind." Now, on three bells this work bchincl is easy, if the learner can only keep bis wits about him, because there are only Iwo bells besides his own, and therefore if he remem bers which bel! lic followed when he struck his first blow in third's place, he will strike the second blow in third s place after thao(her beli, as may be seen by refcrring to the pricked changes. Having in this way struck his second blow in third’s place, and completed his “whole puli behind,” hc will have to step down into tbe