On Rmging Chonges on (ho Bella.    23

of their bdls. In ringing rounds the time occupied by the swing* ing of a heli from lutnd tu back-stroke, and again, from bank to hnnd-stroke, although slighlly dififcrent on acconnt of the lead given a.1 band-stroke, is resppctiveiy uniform; that iy, the bel] is always swung to a certain height at each hand-stmke, and to a oerlain height,although slightJylower,at each back stroke. Not so in change ringtng: here the linie occupied by the swinging (exrcpt when leadipg or lying the whole puli) is Jifferent tu the time in munds, and the beli bas to be swung higher at one lnie or out down at anothet, in order to iose or gain a place respectively. In rounds nu tbree helis, two strike between eat h blow of thetreble; when, however, she strikes iicr firstblow i 11 tlie chnnges, not only do tbe two helis who follows her in the munds each strike their last blow there.but oneofthem, hunting down to lentl, strikes ugain hefote the irebk*. Thus three blows are struek hetween the last hlowof ibe Ireble in rounds and her first lilow iu the changes. Th»s is ulso the case tri the nt*xt half-pull. In hunting-up, the trcble has, t here furę, to be swung higher or further tlian in rounds. When the trebie strikes the last blow behind,only two beils intcrrene. The last blow behind is therefore strucli at the same swing as in rounds. Now obseiwe the trebie hunting down into second's place; oniy one Leli here strikes between her last blow be bind and ber blow in second's place. Agam, only one hel! intervenes between her blow in seconcTs and ber lirst one at tbe lead, In hunting down, the trebit is, therefore, to be cut down or rung Iow because the swing must be less łhau in ringing rounds to allow tlie beli to “gntn a piąte" Two helis strike between the first aod last blows uf Lhe ireble at the lead : henno the last blow at tbe lead is given with the same swing as m rounds.*

4Probably thrre is no point tu «:Lange*rin^in^ $o dilTicult to irislil into beginn^rt;, or one i hm l 00 uffectually marii their a tri li ing anrl rriilhales against their progresu, w lhe alternuons llius requUed in lhe amount o i "weighi;”


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