Cłnuiges on Four Uells.
Be foto irying to ling au mside i*?1’ in Boi* Singlu?., every rirjger should thoroughly knuw this work; heshoulJ run through it on papei. cross-rjuustion himseli, and be aide to go through it mentally in the following rrianner, witnoid having amthmg lo assist him : Duły ol a boli in a peal of Bob bnigles, After making secombs place, I lead ag.iin and hunt up behind. W hen there I uirn the tn-ble frotn hclitnd, and, therefure, have to dodge in 3-4 down (tluil is, alter lytng rhe w hole pul! behind} After going down into tlmd's place, and dodging back into fourllbs, 1 hunt down to iead and iciul a wbole pul!. In huntingout 1 pass the truble in i 3, and, thereloiu, dodge ij 1 3-4 up (whith tneans that, having strnckone blow in fourths place, l shall dodge back into third’s place), and tliun lie the w holu puli bclmul. 1 then bunt down m lead, when; the treblo will tnrn mu boru it, and l shall, therelore, ntake secnnti'* place. I his will In mg theseeond beli lo the place frum which U słnrted.
In learmng tliis work, evury beginner should alsocndeavour to form a practical idea of the “ appeamine " of ihc ropes, if I may use the term, m the difleient place* in which he passes the tieble. in tłu* way ati expericncud rmgei note;s tbe (Jitfercnl places into wlnch he łalis by their appearauce tathei than by actual counting, ulthough the lattcr is, o{ course, necossary for beginnets. Kacli ringer should therefote leam, as soon as possihle., how these diffetent place* are repre*ented hy the number of bells that strike brfnrr and the ntmibet tbat stnke after hirn For instam.e, when he is about lo (urn the treble from behind, he strikes a l*low in ihird's piąte after two tnsnie Indls and th«*n goes up 10 fourtlbs place, w hece lit* strikes his hrst blow l*ehind over the treble. Again, when about to meet the tieble in 2-3, he has followed one beli, over which he strikes in seeonds place, willi the treble and uuothcr beli behind him ; he then sirikt-s in tbird s place, over tfie treble, and has only out beli left behind him; and so on.