cxplatntłd m the following chaptct, łn wliich ^eyerat peals* are givenh hc ran ascertain w hal positions his heli will fali min .łl the ho)j% and cali ihcm accorijmgly.
Therc a r c cert .ii n na mes givcn to the posilions into w hic li a beli lalls nt diOmut IcnTends when a bubiscalled, and yc\ih these a cunduitor should make lumself aajuainted. The helis thal run m, and mu, at a hub ate, iespectivclyT said to hts w" and "cnllcJ okI." The bdl thal mcikes 1 hc bob is sani lu be "‘ttuUii to nu\ke fouxths9" and the une that li es tiietwo w hole pul U hel) i ud is bard to be "calUd bihmd."
EtpKtn w hen ;i he!l K 14 cours-int; *" anolher, and lh* mcjnini; of a 41 cmirse Ml/'
HOw can ynu make u*e of the comse-hdl in humtntf up and down 7
Repeal ihcituiy ul a txM at rhedirterem kad-en.h m a p!a*a coui*c of Hub Huubtc?. and albo siatę the pUcc* iii \shich it wili, pravious to aiich duiy, pab^ the ireble.
In hiinimK down aher the leudend--, m whkh placcs do tho
tliOcrenl htdls Kinlu alrcr the groble*
How is u bob rn.Lde in Boh iJoubies, and what alceralion dues u uhjsc in ibi* wo$k <vf rh« diflerenl bells J
Pescnhc Ihc Work Ihat each beli *;ll do ai ihe lead sml foilowmg a bob supposn^ U t^> be a plam lc«vJ.
•The term “cMent" u iigw uscd for hve and six bclK, bcnce m the twu kdhiwin^ cbapters the word ł,peal"‘ musi be laken to imply the tuleni, lin