On Pricking Touckes and Peals by the Lead-tnd, 55
The following are different peals of Boh Doubles, eacb being produced by calling thrce bobs when some one beli, a dirferent one in each peal, is lying the four blows behind. The marle {-) before a lead-end signifies that a bob is madę at that łead-end. The fourth, second, third, and fifth bells are, respectively, the observation bells in these peals, and they are in their own places at the different part ends. These positions, when the observation bells are in their owo places, are known as “ part -ends." It will be seen that at the end of the first four leads, in each peaJ, the observation beli is in its own place, and the three other bells have interchanged their positions. When three bobs have been called with one and the same beli “behind,” the three other bells will have interchanged so that they will all be in their own positions again, and therefore rounds will be then, or eventually, produced. The first part of each peaJ, showing where the first cali is madę, is give»; before three calls can be macic this part will have to be u lwice repeated,” as stated under the figures.
120 |
120 |
120 |
120* |
2 3 4 5 |
2 i 4 5 |
2 3 4 5 |
2 3 4.5 |
“2i54 |
3 5*4 |
3 5*4 |
3524 |
3 4 2 5 |
“ 3 5 4 2 |
5 4 3 2 |
5 4 3 2 |
4 5 3 2 |
5 '2 3 4 |
-5 4 23 |
4 2 5 3 |
5 2 4 3 |
2 4 5 3 |
4 3 5 2 |
-4235 |
Each to be twice repeated.
FCxplain the meaning of “pricking by the lead-ends."
Why is the treble omitted when pricking by the lead-ends ? What is meant by a ,'part-end ” ?
* The same as that printed in fali on page 50.