The use of yarious types of hip prostheses depending on the patienfs age and level of everyday actiyity

A 70-year-old patient usually receives a classic, typically cementless, long-stem prosthesis with a rela-tively large head and a polyethylene-lined acetabu-lum. Older, approximately 80-year-old patłents diag-nosed with osteoporosis typically receive cemented long-stem prostheses. The use of bonę cement facili-tates a morę rapid patient mobilisation, and weight bearing on the operated limb is possible practically on the second postoperative day.

The selection of the optimal surgical approach and a suitable prosthesis, as well as close cooperation between the patient, surgeon, and physical therapist helps achieve optimal treatment outcomes, minimis-es the risk of complications, ensures optimal performance status, and frees the patient of the pain associ-ated with osteoarthritis of the hip.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Medical Studies/Studia Medyczne 2015; 31/3


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