anubi Qafqaz Markazi
AMEA Botanika institutunun Bioloii mahsuldarligin fundamenta! problcmlari sobasinin va Avropa Birliyinda Birlasmis Millatlar Taskilatinin Regionlararasi Cinayat va Hiigug Tadgigatlari Institutunun IliNlCRll taskilatcili&i ila 13-14 novahr 2014-cii il tarixinda Baki ęaharinda “Bitki virusiannin molekulyar tayini” mbv/.u$unda elmi-praktiki seminar keęirildi.
kalarinda biotahltlkasizliyin vs biomtidafio imkanlarmm gtic-landirilmosi" proąrami ęar-civssindo “Azarbaycana idxal olunan kond tasarriifati bitki-larinin, toxumlann muxtalif xosto!iklarinin va GMO mah-sullann molekulyar diaąnos-
Seminar ęaręivasinda elmi koordinator, Fransa Milli Kand Tasarrtlfati Elmi-Tadqiqat Markazinin (CNRS) tamsilęisi Alain Xeyr-Pour, Institutu INRA-Avignon Elmi Markazinin virusoloq alimlari Dr. Cecile Desbiez va Dr. Erik Verdan bitkilarin virus xastaliklarina hasr olunmuę maruzalarlaęixięetdi. Seminann i$i laboratoriya ęaraitinda tikasi“ adli layiha iizra hayata keęirilan (Layihanin davam etdirildi.
rahbari: akademik Calal 01iyev) seminarda AMEA Safarin sonuncu gunu qonaqlan AMEA Botanika
Botanika institutu, Azarbaycan Kand Tasarrtlfati institutunun direktoru, b.e.d., professor, AMEA-nm muxbir Nazirliyi, Elmi-Tadqiqat Dkinęilik institutu, Elmi- Yalida Olizada qabul edib va onlara institutun yara-Todqiqat Taravazęilik institutu. Baki Dovlat Univer- dtlmasi, asas elmi istiqamatlari, beynalxalq alaqalari, olda sitetinin Biologiya fakiiltasindan olan ganc alim vo etdiyi ugurlar haqqinda genię malumat verdi. Fransah alimlar mutaxassislar, doktorantlar va talabalar iętirak etdilar. Tad- institutda aparilan yenidanqurma ięlari va Herbari labo-biri girię sózii ila Botanika institutunun Bioadaptasiya ratoriyasi ila laboratoriyasimn mudiri, b.e.d., prof., AMEA-nm haqiqi tamę oldular.
Qzvti irada H(iseynova aęaraq tadbir iętirakęilanna seminann marami haqda malumat
The workshop devoled to “Molecular detection of plant yiruses” organized by United Nations Interregional Crirne and Justice Research Institute and Department of FundamentaI Problems of Biological ProductMty of the Institute of Botany of ANAS was lield in Baku on 13-14 November, 2014.
\Toung researches and specialists, PhD students and students g from the Institute of Botany of ANAS, the Ministry of Agriculture -Ł. of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Research Institute of Crop Husbandry, Research Institute of Fegetable growing, Biological Faculty of Baku State University participated in the workshop implemented Within the framework of the program ofUNICRI "Strengthening Bio-Safety and Bio-Security Capabilities in South Caucasus and Central Asia "on the project "Molecular diagnosis ofdifferent diseases andproducts of GMO ofagricultural plants, seeds to import to Azerbaijan" (Project manager: Professor Jalal Aliyev). Opening the event with the introductory speech head of Bioadaptation laboratory of the Department of Fundamental Problems of Biological Productmty of the Institute of Botany of ANAS Prof Irada Huseynova informedtheparticipants about the purposeofthe seminar
In the framework of the workshop the representative ofResearch Center ofFrance National Agriculture Alain Xeyr-Pour, virologists of INRA-Avignon Scientific Center Dr. Cecile Desbiez and Dr. Erik Ferdan lectured on virus diseases of plants. The seminar work continued in laboratory.
On the last day of the seminar Prof. Dr. Yalida Alizade, Director ofInstitute of Botany ofANAS had meeting with the guests andgave detailed Information on the organisation of the Institute, research directions, international links, successess in the field of botany. French scientists were acąuainted with the renovations in the Institute and Herbarium Foundation.