

On sóz

Preface ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Botanika Institutu Baki Elm Festivah-2014 da iętirak etdi

institute of Botany participated in Baku Science Festival 2014 ................................................................. 3-4

AB$-da AMEA Botanika institutunun iętiraki ila rnuhilm monoąrafik asar naęr edilib The significant monographs by the participation

of the institute of Botany of ANAS is published in USA .............................................................................................5

AMEA Botanika institutu va Markazi Nabatat bagmin amakdaęlanmn beynalxalq tadbirlarda iętiraki Participation of scientists from institute of

Botany and Central Botanical garden in intemational forums ....................................................................................6

AMEA Botanika Institutunun ganc amakdaęlan beynalxalq yay maktabinda iętirak edib

Young specialists of the institute of Botany attended intemational summer school.....................................................7

Toxum miihafizasinin metodlan saahasinda tacriiba artir

Experience in the field of seed conservation methods is enhanced ...............................................................................7

Tiirkiyali botaniklarla elmi alaqalar

Scientific links with turkish botanists ...........................................................................................................................8

Markazi Nabatat bagmin inkięafmda alman tacriibasi

German experience in the development of Central Botanical garden ...........................................................................8

AMEA Botanika institutu qlobaI bitki taęabbusiiniin tadbirinda Ozv kimi iętirak edib Institute of Botany of ANAS participated

in the meeting of global plants initiative as a member ...............................................................................................9

isveęra botaniklari ila mtiętarak ekspedisiya

Joint expedition with swiss botanics ............................................................................................................................9

”Qafqaz Florasinin mehafizasi” movzusunda regional konfrans

Regional conference on “Conservation of the flora of Caucasus” ...............................................................................10

AMEA Botanika Institutunda iki beynalxalq laboratoriya tasis edilib

Two intemational laboratories were founded at the institute of Botany, ANAS ..........................................................11

Ganclar iiętin elmi seminar taękil edilib

Scientific seminar was organized for young specialists ..........................................................................................12-13

Azarbaycanh alimin maqalasi top 20 siyahiya daxil olub

Article of Azerbaijani scientist is included in the list of 20 Top ......................................................................13

Fransa milli kand tasarriifati elmi-tadqiqat institutunun alimlari AMEA Botanika institutunun bioloji mahsuldarligin fundamental problemlari ęóbasinda olub Scientists of French national institute for Agricultural research visited department

of fundamental problems of biological productivity, institute of Botany of ANAS ............................................14

Azarbaycanda safarda olan nobel miikafatęisi ila góriię keęirilib

Meeting with the Nobel prize winner visiting Azerbaijan ...........................................................................................15

Miiasir optik avadanhqlara hasr olunmuę seminar

The seminar devoted to the modem optic equipments ................................................................................................15

Botanika institutunda akademik Valida Tutayuqun 100 illik yubileyi qeyd olundu

100 th anniversary of academican Valida Tutayuq was celebrated at the Institute of Botany of ANAS......................16

Maktablilar Botanika muzeyini ziyarat etdilar

Pupils visited Botanical Museum .................................................................................................................................17



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