Academic Scholarships
Bogdan Szlachta, political phllosophy, Jaglellonlan Unlverslty Jerzy Żelazowski, archeology. Warsaw Unlversity
Together with the Open Soclety Instltute and the British Foreign and Cóm-monwealth Office, we ollered one-month scholarships lor study at Cambridge Universily lor Ph.D. holders
Janusz Richter, physical metallurgy. Silesian Technlcal University, Gliwice
Ewa Skrodzka. acoustics. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
50 202.33 PLN
Curriculum Resource Center One-week seminars deaiing with the improvement ol social science in Budapest teaching programs in Central and Eastern Europę and in the lormer soviet Union; in 2001. the participants included two Poles
Michał Buchowski. anthropology ol culture, Poznań Witold Wołoszyn, enylronmental protection. Warsaw
5 119.88 PLN
Ph.D. Scholarships
Grzegorz Brodacki, M. Dqbrowska Vocational School No 2. Sieradz; a doctoral dissertation entitled Letters ol Władysław Orkan irom the years 1891-1910; tutor; Dr. Bogdan Mazan
Grzegorz Brzustowicz, Schools Unit in Choszczna; a doctoral dissertation entitled Knights ol the Choszczna Dtstrtct in the 13'n-14"' Centurtes: tutor: Prol. Edward Rymar
Ewa Król, Vocational School Unit No 1. Mława: a doctoral dissertation about the theory ol symmetry in physics instruction; tutor: Prol. Jerzy Ginter
Mirosław Łoś, Elementary School In Czqstkowo; a doctoral dissertation about appllcation ol Computer technologies in physics instruction; tutor: Dr. Andrzej Majholer
Jerzy Szeja, M. Sadze wieżowa Lyceum. Łochów; a doctoral dissertation entitled Role-Playlng Games as Culturał Texts; tutor: Prol. Maryla Hoplinger
Paweł Wojciechowski, Fourth Lyceum in Ciechanów; a doctoral dissertation entitled Parallet and Double Reallty tn the Literaturę ol Young Połand: tutor: Prol. Ewa Paczoska
Lidia Wyrzykowska, Maria Konopnicka Lyceum. Poddębice; a doctoral dissertation on the early works ol Kazimierz Brandys; tutor: Dr. Grażyna Borkowska
58 800 PLN
Salzburg Medical Seminars Week-long seminars lor physicians ol assorted speclalizatlons held in and Intemships Salzburg, organized and linances by the Open Soclety Institute and the American-Austrian Foundation
Jacek Banaszewski, Poznań Ewa Bień, Gdańsk Monika Bociqga-Jasik, Cracow Zoiia Bronowska, Warsaw Piotr Chłosta, Wrocław Grzegorz Cieśla, Łódź Dorota Dziewulska, Warsaw Katarzyna Gapińska. Lublin Bartłomiej Gliniewicz, Szczecin Katarzyna Gustaw, Lublin Anna Jasion, Wrocław Sławomir Kata, Warsaw
Tomasz Klekawka, Cracow