Academic Scholarships
Paweł Sawiński, candidate for a Ph.D. at the Department of History, Adam Mickiewicz University - research intemship <4 months) at La Sapienza Universi-ty. Romę. Italy
Gabriel Bodek, research tellów at the Instltute ot Reproductlon and Food Research ot the Polish Academy ot Sciences - research intemship (1 month) at the University of Turku. Finland
Dorota Dworakowska, research tellów at the Medical Universlty of Gdańsk: research intemship (2 months) at the Instltute of Pathomorphology. Katharl-nenhospltal. Stuttgart. Germany
Maciej Ggsiorowski. candidate tor a Ph.D. at the Institute of Art History. Adam Mickiewicz University - research intemship (6 months) at the Zentralinstitut tdr Kunstgeschichte. Munich, Germany
Bartosz Hlebowicz, candidate tor a Ph.D. at the Institute ot Ethnology. Jagiel-lonian University - research intemship (4 months) at Utica College ot Syracuse University, USA
Joanna Karbowska, research tellów (Ph.D.) at the Faculty of Biochemlstry, Medical University ot Gdańsk - research intemship (4 months) at National Heart and Lung Institute ot London. England
Aneta Kasza, research tellów (Ph.D.) at the Institute ot Molecular Biology. Jaglellonian University - research Intemship (3 months) at the Cleveland State Unlversity. USA
Sebastian Kołodziejczyk, candidate tor a Ph.D. at the Institute ot Philosophy, Jaglellonian Unlversity - research intemship (3 months) at Oxtord University
Magdalena Kuśmierz, candidate for a Ph.D. at the Graduate School of Soclal Research, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology. Polish Academy ot Sciences -research Intemship (4 months) at the New Jersey State Untvers!ty-Rutgers. USA
Paweł Leszkowicz, lecturer at the Institute of Art History. Adam Mickiewicz Uni-verslty - research fellowship (2.5 months) at the Unlverslty ot London, England
Aleksandra Łuszczyńska-Cieślak. lecturer at the Department of Psychology. Warsaw Universlty - research Intemship (2 months) at the Freie Universitćit Berlin. Germany
Marek Melnyk, lecturer at the Institute of Political and Social-Philosophical Science at the Warmla-Mazury Universlty - research Intemship (6 months) at the Institute lor Study of Central and Eastern Europę of the Ukrainian Science Academy. Kiev. Ukrainę
Jarosław Oleszczuk, research tellów at the Obstetrics and Perinatology Clinlc ot the Medical Unlverslty of Lublin - research Intemship (3 months) at the Center lor Study of Multlple Blrth. Morthwestern Unlveristy Medical School, USA
Marek Orzechowski, candidate for a Ph.D. at the Department of Chemistry. Warsaw Unlversity - research Intemship (3 months) at the Institute de Biologie Physloo-Chlmique. Parls. France
Maciej Perkowski, lecturer at the Department of Law. Białystok University -research intemship (1 month) at the Humboldt-Universltdt in Berlin, Germany
Agnieszka Rogowska, candidate for a Ph.D. at the Department of Mechanics. Szczecin Technlcal Unlvers!ty - research Intemship (6 months) at the Technl-sche UniversitOt, Munich. Germany
Andrzej Rozwadowski, lecturer at the Orlental Institute, Adam Mickiewicz University - research intemship (3 months) at the Rock Art Research Institute of Unlverslty of Witwatersrand. South Africa
Aneta Struzik, candidate for a Ph.D. at the Institute of Geological Study. Polish Academy of Sciences - research Intemship (1 month) at the University of Bolo-gna. Italy
Monika Walczak, research fellow at the Department of Philosophy. Catholic Unlverslty of Lublin - research Intemship (4.5 months) at Boston College. USA
Katarzyna Wilk. candidate for a Ph.D. at the Graduate School of Soclal Research. Institute of Philosophy and Sociology. Polish Academy of Sciences -research Intemship (6 months) at the Ohio State Unlverslty. Columbus. USA
Justyna Wiśniewska, candidate for a Ph D. at the Faculty of Pathophyslology. Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences - research Intemship (3 months) at the Humboldt-Universitdt. Berlin. Germany
Robert Wiśniewski, candidate for a Ph.D. at the Institute of History, Warsaw Uni-versity - research Intemship (6 months) at the Uniyerslte de FOris-Sorbonne, Flance