non-verbal 147, 152 optimal 151 rational 227 verbal 147, 152 decisional aspects of 143 semantic aspects of 174 structural aspects of 148 syntactic aspects of 173-174

causation 162 cause 48, 53 chance 118

change 282, 284, 288-289, 380 choice 152-156 individual 154 social 148,153-154 situation 156

of goals 174, 266-268, 273, 285 of action 267-268, 271, 273-274, 277, 384-385

of conditions 271, 273, 275, 277 classification of Sciences 61 of technology 375 coertion 337-339, 344-345 mental 336-341, 344 physical 336-339, 344 structural 337, 344 communication 129, 134 concretism IX conditions 383

of attaining a goal 265-266, 268-270, 272, 274, 276-277, 279 configuration of objects 145 conflict 150-151, 325, 327, 329, 338, 340

confronter 220 conseąuences of actions 68 control 350 cooperation 327, 340

negative 326, 334, 338-339 positive 340

cooperating counteraction 6, 15

cooperator 130-131,133 energie 130 multi-link 131 semiotic 130 single-link 131 splice 131 cost 89

curiosity 241-243 cybernetics 61, 179, 222, 367 of planning 195, 221


as social choice 148, 150 function 89, 154-155 making 90-91,153,163 model 148 problem 85, 144 theory 143

decomposition 298-300 defeat 317

dense social environment XII, 327-330, 332-335, 337, 339-341 definition of 327 descriptive statements 235 descriptive theses 235 design, designing XI, 245-249, 255, 281, 288, 374 design problem 296, 306

--making actions 282-284,287,

289, 296

--methodology 281, 283-284

—    generał theory of 281 --subproblem 299

—    task 296

designer perfect 284, 294-295 ‘desire’ 47

destroying 326, 330, 341 directive statements 235 directives

practical XI, 234-235, 266-267, 271-273, 277-279

—    typical schemata of 235


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