LULA 1417 Uh Office Technology    3-3-4

This coursc introduccs Computer technolog) and ils Applications within the law officc Topie* includc the use of Computer technolog) in the dclitcry of legał scrsiccs with partie ul a/ emphasis on the paralcgaTs role.

IX .IA    2303 Tort and Pcrsonal Injury law

(LEGA2301)    3-0 3

This coursc pments lundamcntal concepts of tort law with emphasis on the paralcgals n>lc Topice includc inlcntiona! toru. ncgligcncc. and strict liabilit)

IX.IA    2307    Law Office Management (LEGA    1302)    3-0-3

This coursc presents the lundarocnlals of law officc managemcnl and orgom/ation including basie pnnciplcs and structurc of managemcnl. administralivc and substantivc Systems in the ław officc. and law practicc technolog)

LGLA    2309    Real Property(LEGA 1305)    3-0-3

This coursc presents lundamcntal concepts of real property law with emphasis on the paralcgal's role Topics includc the naturę ol real property. rights and duties of ownership. land use. yoluntary and involuntary conseyances. and the rccording of and searchmg for real estate doeumenls.

IXHA    2311    BusinessOrganizations(LEGA    2303)    3-0-3

Ihis coursc presents basie concepts of business organi/alions with emphasis on the paralcgal s role l opics includc law ol agcncy. sole proprietorships. forms of partnerships. corporations. and other emerging business cntitics Prcrequisitcs LGLA 1407 and I (il A 1417 and LOLA 1351

LGLA    2313    Criminal Uh and Procedurę

(LEGA 1306)    3-0-3

This course introduccs the criminal justice system including proccdures from arrest to finał disposition. pcinciplcs of ledcral and stale law and the preparation of pleadings and molions.

LGLA    2321    Military Uh II (LEGA 1403)    3-0-3

This course presents an in-dcpth look at the operation and managemcnl of military law l opics includc dclailcd coscragc of criminal law. clanm. military administratisc law. legał assistancc. and civil law as it applics to the military Prercqui$itc LCii A 1321

LGLA    2433    Adsaneed l,egal Document Preparation

(LEGA 2401)    3-3-4

Preparation of legał doeumenls hased on hypolhctical lact situations drawn from \arious arcas including real csi3tc. family law. contracts. litigation. and business organi/alions Prcrcquisitcs LGI.A 1407 and LGI A 1417 and Sophomorc standing

MAITI 1314 College Algebra    3-0-3

A study of relalions and functions, polyinimial functions and equalions of dcgrcc higher than iwo. cxponcntial and loganthmic functions and equations. mat r i ces, and determinant. sequcnccs and senes, the binomial thcorcm. and mathcmatical induction This coursc mccts the college corc rcquircment and is rccomrncndcd for students planning to transfer to bachc!or"$ dcgrcc programs Prercquisitcs ÓSMA 0303 or cquivalcnt with a gradc of "C" or better or acccptablc csaluation scorcs (Sec 1 ASP Matm)

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MATM 1316 Trigonometry    3-0-3

Topics includc trigonomctric functions, radian and dcgrcc mcasurc. circular functions. solsing nghl and obliquc tnanglc problem*. dcming and \crifying trigonomctric idcntitics, invcrsc trigonomctric functions. and solsing conditional cquations Prcrcquisitcs ÓSMA 0303 or cqui\a!cnt with a gradc ot *C" or highcr or acccptablc csaluation scorcs. (Scc IASP Matm)

MATU    1324 Finite Mathematics    3-0-3

Topics includc system* of lincar cquations. Imcar programming. and the sirnp!c\ melhod. set theory. counting tcchmqucs. combinatorics. probability, stalislics, and functions Prcrcquisitcs: ÓSMA 0303 or cquivalcnt with a gradc of *'C~ or highcr or acccptablc csuluatton scorcs (Sec TASP Matm)

MATM 1325 Business Calculus    3-0-3

lopics from clcmcntary. dilfcrcntial and mtcgral calculus that apply to business and cconomics Prcrcquisitcs MATM 1314 or MAMI U24 w ith a grtidc of *XT or highcr

MATU    1342 Elenientan Statistics    3-0-3


lopics includc the collccting. organi/ing. and displaymg of data. measures of central tcndcncy. rncasurcs of \anation. histogram*, probability: probability distnbutions. bmomial dislributions. normal distributions. lincar regression and their Applications Prcrcqoisitcs ÓSMA 0303 or cquivalcnt with a gradc of “C" or highcr or acccptablc csaluation scorcs (Sec TASP Matm)

MATU    1348 Analytic Geometry    3-0-3

An algcbraic trcatmenl of straight lines and tlić eonie scctions transformat lons of coordinatcs. curvc skctching. polar coordmatcs Prercquisite: MA III 1314 and MA1H 1316 with a gradc of “C" or highcr OR High School Prc-Calculus with a gradc of “B” or highcr

MATH    2318    Lincar Algebra    3-0-3

An introduclory coursc in lincar algebra covcring vcctor spacc*. lincar transformstions. matriccs. Systems of linear cquations Prerequi$ite: MATH 2414 with a gradc of or highcr

MATO    2320    Differential Equations    3-0-3

Tirsl and sccond order dilTcrcntial equalions and llieir Applications Laplacc Iransforms. Fourier Senes, and their applicalions Prerequisilc MATH 2414 with a gradc of "C" or highcr

MATO    2413    C alculus I    3-1-4

A tirsl coursc in dilfcrcntial calculus with emphasis on the limit dclinitions of dcrivalivcs and mtcgrals. applicalions of dcrivativcs Denvativcs and mtcgrals of the trigonomctric functions and their invcrses. the hyperbolic functions. c\poncntial. logarithmic. and inscrsc functions Prercquisitcs MATH 1314 and MATH 1316 with a gradc of-C" or highcr OK Pre-Cileulus with a gradc of “B" or highcr C'o-rcquisilc MA III 1348 with a gradc of T" or highcr may be taken prior to or concumcntl) with MATU 2413 MATH 2413 is normally taught during the    Tali Semcslcr

MATO    2414    C alculus II    3-1-4

A sccond coursc in dilfcrcntial and integraJ calculus lopics includc applicalions of integralion. tcchmquc* of integration. intimte scrics. conics. parametrie cquations. polar coordinatcs. vectors. and the geometry of spacc* Prcrcquisitc* MA NI 1348 and MATH 2413 with a gradc ol T or highcr MATH 2414 is normally taught during the Spring Semcslcr

MATO 2415 C alculus III    3-1-4

A third coursc in dilTcrcntial and mtcgral calculus lopics includc scctomalucd functions. functions of scscral sariablcs. multiplc mtcgrations. and vcctor analysis Prcrequisitcs MATH 2414 with a gradc of “C~ or highcr MA III 2415 is normally taught during the Suminer Semcslcr


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