NATIONAL IIONOR SOCIKTY. SEATF.D: Jan Wasuk. Bill Dunn. Vlcc prcsl cleni Bob Somervllle. Seerdary Pani Dresden. Trcasurer K.uhv Ohare. Presidml Klck Murray. Mlchclc /urlck, Advbor Mrs RidderholT SFjCOND ROW: Dave Kaar. linda (żorski, Mary Dcllorto. Stcve I Irek mann. Sandy Cummlngs. Fred Tuinstr.i, Fal Dllion, Charles Schulz, Geny Knoll. Ltrk l-evandcr, Barb Noplos

BACK ROW: Debble Dumał*. Tcny Thomas, Judy Palcczny, Barb Klnatedi. Linda York. Susan Domljanclc, Su*an Dalii. Mrllssa Wirtb. Darlcnc Schocmtedl, Carotlne Kwiatkowski. Sharon Calvin. and Maurem Dunn NOT PICTURF.D: France* Bauman. I^tdlne Hcchler. and Kilem McMahon,

NHS combined scholarship with leadership

Richard*' “h's Academlc* team. comprised of Bill Dunn. Caplaln Jon Parsons. and John Smoliński, organtzed their thoughu whllc preparlng aiuwers.


In Aprll of 1967, scveral anxious student* were escortcd down ihe aisle to receive ihcir eteru a I lights of scholarship. citizenship, leadership, and scrvlce of National Honor Society. The ncw members proved thcmselves worthy of ihelr pins by maintaining excdlenl grades, partlcipadng In clubs, and glving scrvlcc to their school and community. Nantes of the ncw members were kept sec ret untll the annual induction ceremony.

This ycar’s *It's Academlc* team actually began in dte spring. Bctwecn flftcen and twenty students were choscn out of the top ten pcrcent of the sophomore and junior classes on the basis of scores on a humanities quiz. Klght of these semi finalists were tlten picked on the basis of a performance on a sample show at a telcvision statlon. Mrs. Holding, dicir advisor, felt the team did a respectable Job in their endcavors, and was honored to be paired against two difTicult opjKtsing teams.

Ma.sirra of knuwlcdgr, the *lt's Academlc* team. dcmoiutrotcd the result of ycara of schoollng willi a flne thnwing durlng their lelevlslon appearaner


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