GOLDEN YEAR STAFF F. 1)1 TORS, SRATKI): AdvUor Mn. Brurc. CoCopy Kdlior I-udlnr llrrhlrr, Co-Liyoni F.dllor Kami Komin, F.diloi In-Chlrf Sur Dalii, Copy F.dllor Jan Winttk. Productloo Kdlior l.mda (>or»kl. STAN DING: 1'nder dass Scction F.dllor 1'erry Thoma*. Indcx Kdlior Karb Noplos. Curriculum Kdl lor Sandy Stadnicki. Studml Ufr Kdlior Mary l<ou Mataulry, Co-lndrx Kdlior
Sue Hopkins, Facully Scction Kdlior Sunny Potter. Clubs and Organl/alions F.d-ilor Chris Krlncckc. Senior Secllon Kdlior Cha Silllwell, and Asslstanl Copy Kdl-lor Janc Cuslafoon NOT PICTURED: layout Kdlior Sue Byrne. and Sport* Kdlior Jim Welsh.
Slghlng Uh relief ihal ihe d rad linę had l»em mrt. Kdlior Sue Dahl look Unie out lo rriux for a Ir* minutę*.
Two publications classes, uuder the directlon of their advisor, Mrs. Bruce, undcrtooic to make the 1968 Golden Year a book lo rcmemher. Preliminary prcparatlons and theoretłcal work bc-gan In the su mm er oł 1967 w hen Sue Dalii, ihe editor, attended a workshop at the Unlversity of Wlsconsin, and Linda Górski, the productlon editof, attended a workshop at Northern Illinois Unhrcrsfty. 1’erfeetion was the ultiniate goal, and the dedicated stall memliers worked diligently many nlntli periods and even ktgs to ohtain (his goal. Kxtra efTort and time were pul łorth by the editors, dlvlsłon heads, and index workers. Intcnicws and photographs of both tcachcrs and students were uscd to compose the most up-to-datc yearhook possihle.
Staff members engaged in inoncy raislng projecis to support the yearhook. Thls was only one exampleofthe e.Mra ordinary effort of eecryone in crcating the Golden Year ol 1968.
GarduIIv rrading over copy a**ignmrnit>. |an \Va»iak and l-idine llerhler lookrd for the mmi accurate and coioriul account of .ui acmliy