1989-1990 Golden Year Staff | |
Editor-In*Chiei |
Marietta Sulllvan |
Protluclion Manager |
Kim Valdch |
Student Lle |
Amy Wagner |
Co-Sports |
Sophie Kioussis |
Maureen McMahon | |
CoCumculum |
Debbie Anlhony |
Ana Espinoz.3 | |
Clubs/ Organizdtion |
Tricta Guzinskt |
Ad# |
Siiamn Cox |
Album/Sentors |
Jedr.ne Bnski |
Karen Conway | |
Copy/Fedtures Computer Whl* |
lim Dudhcek |
Index, Distnbution |
Roseanne Stannis |
Advisor |
Wanda Waqner |
Stali: Dawn Brankm Pat Crowley, |
Lesley Jenkins. Ross |
Krueger. !oe Lewis. Erie Liłtleton, Angela Ptley. Sherri Ring- | |
berg. Tina Thielrnan. Specldl Mentjon Hal Mady and John | |
Rutkowski. |
The 1990 Golden Year is published by Heril Jones. Captions are pnnted »n a 8 point Stymie type and copy is in 10 point. Mmi mag body copy is pnnted in 12 point. Speciat ełiect type faces used were: Broadway. Encore. let and Mistral. The book is pnnted on 80 lb. weight paper.
l hav© cttun bwn oskod wliy ! want to do ttns protuet y«w in and yoar oul A<iuolly th*.*j*? ts only on© reoaon and thal ts b©ca\me l gri a tal |j©np©cttve
on th<r young peopte who tak© !h© '‘law becausu ol the workina r©t©hocwhip that d©v©lops U?twf*?n the *tafl and my.*©lf Ev»*ry one© |n awhile truły oul--tandtng pcr*nnaliti« dev*lop and th© «Młt takua alf on th© pro»«ot. lt hos bo«*n my pleesur* thin year to wiłn©» thal phenomona. They were a smali bul pc/weriul qroup Tlu» occOfnpItóhninr.tK ihat wr»r** <vhievfHl were apeelacułar W© rmswd only on© deadtmo and ev©n that waśn i nur fauli We gol hunq up on p» dur* deliven« I ltave rarely rn<*l »k K a co*operottve cmative and nie© bunrh ot kiti* Thank you a)l tor your Hani work and oftort*. You hav© a book to ba proud ol
I have to wy a lew wortis h©r© about a Uuly ©x- ©ptiono! young lady. I nm alra»d I waan ł very mee to Manetta Suttwar. when ahe JKjned up as a treahman in Publirations tour yt*ar» aqc I had never aeon a truah in th® cla» beton* l was truły puzzłed <t» to how to łtancile it. She peraevered and U?ior© lonq «h© took on ałł wrts ot prołects Dunng h©r aophomore yr<v ahe **dit©d a aeclton. on© ot the mcat gmehng and re vamped the ©ntir© troatrr.enl otetuk* and organiza tMis Sh** went straight throuqh the day tram łat Jo 8lh without a break She wanted to do that yearbook pite be on ch©orl©odlng. ptu* dotng Student Co»*nnl — płua ev«rythinq ełse. I t»ave to wy I wa* rx*v©r morę dopreaaed wl»er. sh© tołd me her tarmly might be movmq that summer Luckily tor me and the oi5tort»ers ol ti»e Golden Year aha didn 1 and become tire ©ditor in chiet the onły lunior to do that. Wtłh her time and enemy and work §h© kecam© mer© an*i mor© eaperl at the tob and thi* 1990 bcok i» at much a rulmmation ot her lour yeara ol expervence aa the ellorto ot th® yeor She has altended ramp three aumment and has gtven up ©ndless houre to the yearbook. As a nseoanitłOn ot łi©r ollorts and dedkcation she w the fint recipient ot a scholar phip e*tabltshed by the ye*irbx?k tor yearbook lOumalusm student*.
Manetta. you are th« reasoti 1 do Ihłs yeor in and year out rhanka
Wtthout the help c>t .1 lot ot poopłe w«* would never b»? hokiing ihu- in our haruir. Wa<p I know I don't know ol Italt the sleepłess nights you ve been through bul THANK YOU'Somehow or other youalwaysmanagedtołind the •••xtr.i f>aqes we needed to mak*- deadlrne and keep me trom iosmg my mmd Linda Conrath thanks for all the tdeas and tor knowmg iust how to do ev*.*ry thmu we wanted. Głen Dite. thanks tor the łoqo an<t tor the laughs Ptiotogra phy w.isdorw by RoofSttxltos. Mr Z. thanks tor always he(ptnq us out whełher we needed . uet batterios or Ufie the xerox machinę* Ward 1 jrwear l'll riever mt«.ffTupl your ctasa(es)again Mi Rltchie. 1 won t b»* lat** to Ing any morę. Thanks To Mm Theodorou. .1 huge thank y<xi tor all the times you ve lot tłu* red tape gH a ptnk I pronuse not to get no utressed out anymore
Thank you to the Golden Year stali lor all your hard work. Jt's Itnally p*nd "Ił Amy thanks for alw.iys tryir»| t* > mak** thmejs one step belfer Thanks for leltirm me drag you nil 10 ramp. and lor all your Irewh iduos. Thanks lor rvo| • -rily • omirKj through wilh a greal se* Uon but lor helplnq every->ne eb* when fhey rteertad it Karen and fł-ann**. thank you for all your «xcellent work Our discussionr. loBpeoally tn Photography) fiav»* ł»en hystunoal; we mtseted you socond semaster Shanln thank you tur gmng up lunch and working with uu You always manaued !o make *;verythmg work out wjth the ario and t*ven with the ciul* I rn >irry lor always mooching ołł your only iccrcream cookie. Tnah thank you l"r loing ynur b»<t with what you had handed to you It nil work*xJ tut m the ©tu f Thanks lor rnakiiKi me gigejk* when 1 wanted In strangle peopie and lot always listenimj. Soli**, thanks lor slealmg .tli thecjraphieand art brX>k.*1
Your section dni tum out cute though even it you spent hall the dass tiguring out prom All kiddlng aside. thank you. Maureen thanks (ot koepmgSol in linę and always havinq everytfung in on time Thank you tor worktng youi keesłer oft and not oomplaming. One of Ihesrt days we II lind the stałe pKrtures. Ana and Debbie. thanks tor all your hard work 1 don t tlunk I ve heard morę Ihan 3 words trom either ot you. but thanks lor always kaeping busy. firn. thanks for lin* ling somelhing to wnte when there wasn't anythma to say and then even makmg it lunny! Roaeonne ttiank you for getting thingadone in a pmch. Kim. thanks lor all the scheduling. One ot Ihesedays. I m gnnna get you a lilehme supply of kleenex You ntnjłi it' Tina and Shern. thanks for all fhe capitona and runmry 1 oround and lor brnng Soi & Mo’s p«rsonal stall John and ł lal thanks for hel ping out wen it you dtd always know what you were dotng Your Picture*'. wetv the bosi We mtswd your second semester, John Hal thanks lor diwing me ev«*rywher»*
To anyono l‘ve rmssed. tx)fx and thank you Doug Thi<*t»eri foi the shirt oll ol your bark.
Onee aqain thanks Wags. not only tor all the yearbcx»k stuli (allhough there w.is enough ol it) but lor bemg there to talk to and for un<i«*reianvtinci Front baby storiea to college roommolos (arvi their strangeapparel) you know how to make me lauqh You‘ve helped me through a lot ot rough spots and helped me make some ol my most important docisions I m qonna miss yoti.
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