F.UCLID1AN CLUB, SKATKD: Cnry Wrllrr. Warren Kuh. Advbor Mt» Sch.i.il. John WliuJow, Mlke Hrid, (lary Smu/, l)uvc lani, Itill Dunn STAN DINO: IIrad Walter I*ner Davidovltrh. Kon Van Wermeskcrkcn, Sicvcn Kaar. Don Mc-
Coy. Iłick Murray, Bill Kctcłiam, S«cvr llcckmann, <'.arl Jardy. Mikr O Mam. lilii Allyn, Davld Klrk. Waync Kok. l)#ve Kaar. and Douj; Nrwnian NOT PICTUREI): Bob Somervlllc, Kd Głowacki. Don Kaci. and Charles Schulz
Euclidian Club, named aftcr ihc fained malhematician Eu-clld, was madę up of the małe members of the mathcmatics courses. Miss Schaal, thcclub s advlsor, along willi Peter I)avld-ovitch, the head walter. and ilu* 25 membersof the dub calcred at the varlous school functlons. Cucsts werc fooled by ilu* twln appcarancc of David and Waync Klrk. Ali of ilu* members Joined lo work on a liomccontlng łloat entry for ilu* flrst linie, thls year.
Interest In the field of science was cultivated by tlie metnbers of the Physlcal Science Club. Each month ihe 16 members met to discuss and explolt the wonders of the scientiflc world. The presłdent, William Kctchum. officlaled the meetlngs under the advłsorship of Mr. Undcrwood. He was asslsted by fellow of-ficers John Winslow, Carol Christian, and Richard Sleep. Spedał projects and guest lecturers were part of the ycar*s activltlcs.
PłlYSICAL SCIKNCE CLUB. FRONT ROW: Richard Sierp. John Wfnsbnr. William Kctcham. Carol Chmurni, AdvUor Mr. Cndcrwood SECOND ROW: Boh Drr*. I)avld lilii, Mikr Snilih, (Iliad Culvcr. Andy Pawlik BACK ROW-
Lid lirIMcn. Davc Kombcru. Siorm Onkland. Mark Lny. Kobcn Poidoi. Sierr I , Kaar, and William (Irrell)