CAMPUS GIRLS’ CI.UB OFFICERS, SF-ATF.D: I heresr Phlllipp. |.in W.iMak, lrn«- Schoen*tedt. hml.i Strrnbcrg, Kalh) Garroll. Grraldlrtr Knoll and Advl*or Pani iaCoy, Helen SthwriUe STANDING: Mary Klrinich, Kalhy Oharc, Dar MlnSchaal
Girls’ Club was caught in a whirlwind of changes (his year. Oflicers and ihc dub sponsor. Miss Schaal, found theinseUes wllh an officc and room to work in. Il was herc tli.u the plan-nlng and coordinating of łts many activitics took place. The round of cvcnts began witli the Dad and Daughlcr Dale Nighl, ihc night w hen dads were treated cxtra speclal. Coke partics, a fashion show. meelings where an obliquc Santa and a wild makc-up dcinonstratlon entertained the girls, and lag l)ay
NORTHWEST GIRLS* GU B OFFICKRS. SKATKO: Advisor Miss Blcckrr. Kristłne Krtań*. Olane Doody STAND1NC: Koxannr Babiarz. Blythe Bauer. Pat Mandcrsand |ean Mathewson
were sonie of the activilies that the large nuniber of menibers enjoyed. Three buildings combi md to preparc for the largest activity of the year for the club: the Turnabout. Thls year's themc was ‘In the Mlsty Moonllght’ and the dance was lield under a canopy of blue miting and silver stars. Students were able to lasie a little of the carnival spirit wlien Sadie Hawkins Night was held in the spring as a costunic curnival-dancc.
NORTHEAST GIRLS CLUB OFFICKRS. SKATF.D: \dvl»or Mrs I racy. STANI)ING: (•aylr łlu/anl*. Kim Krriinan. Ulana l)iit>*ky and SueCranzow