Imitallng u Thornton rherrleuder. Gaybe Adams esincrd school splrll ai an auembly.
Yarslty Alhlctic Club was opcn lo lhosc boys who had rccclvcd a varslty leitcr and who owncd an actlvlty llckct. Thclr firsi mccting was hdd on Dcccmbcr 22nd. Offlccrs wcrc clcctcd on ihc basis of dcpcnduhilłly and Icadcrship, and includcd Presidenl Mlke Tuma, Vłcc-Presidenl Doug Newman, Sccrciary-Trcasurcr Jeff McCoy, and Business Manager John Sallas. Proflts madę from coat-checking and concession siands werc pul inio a lund for new ccjutpmcni and uni-forms.
Hep Club hclprd lo crealc the lasUng charactcristlc of school splrlt al III.K MciuIkts donuted linie and effort to hack ihe leams all the way. Presidenl hlaine Wasiclcwski worked willi Mr. Kodger in bring-ing about the changes ihal marked its sccond year. Pep Club sweal* sliirts wcrc worn al the games. Banners and poslers covcrcd the halls In-fore rach ganię. An cight fool niegaphone was part of the club s Hoinccoming Hoat.
PF.P CLUB OFF1CERS, KNEEUNC: Treasurer Laur* tlacddrr. SEAT-ED: Presidenl Klanie Wuldnriki, Vlcc-Presldent ElalneSampalls STAND-INC: Secretary John Kimtedt and Advbor Mr. Roger.
VARSITY ATIILETIC CLUB. FRONT ROW: Richard Murray, (lary Wellcr, (ieorge Dotson, John Groch, Jim Welsh, Gary Walnwrlghi. Doug Newman. JełT McCoy. SECOND ROW: Cralg Glassnrr, Jerry Staniszewski. Rlch Perry, Carl ieedy. Mlke Tuma. Jim Mclniyre. Don Alm. Jim Rugglo. Tom Galowltrh. THIRD ROW: Dave Korsberg, Greg Lamoureaux, Bill Allyn, Stnt ilarrall. Jim Bohrowlrz, Guy Ir.Monnler, Dave Hallja. Jim Newqutst FOURTH ROW: Rodncy
Swinehart, Fred Slang, Mlke Pustiak, Wayne Klrk, Warren Kuh, Stcve Ifcck-mann KIRU ROW: Bill Graves. Boh Allalre. Brad Whlie. Pete Brundage, Don Ktner. Kred Koonu. Bob Swcdko, Bob Somervllle. John Sallas. BACK ROW: Mlke Cos, 1'erry lamom, Gene llun/lker, Ted l.ydlgsen, Tom 0’Brlen, Dave Brown, (icorge U>era, Nick Massarełla. Bon Dcason. and Don Ract.
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