Northwest field was home
YARSITY BASKB.AIJ. TKAM. FRONT ROW: o len Ohuhobn, Terry Arcucd. Kay Jackson. |dl Janek. Gary Walnwright SKGONI) ROW: Manager Mlkr McGrew, Bob Sands. Mark S(ro/rwski, Jim Mclniyrr. Rkrk Murray. Jim Mc-
Miulcr, John Sallas, Al Splna/ola. Bob Seaberg BAGK ROW: (.'oorh James, Cbucfc Schullrn. Rlch Gordon. Rum Slalak, Jim Bobrowic/. Jor Bobeau. Mark Anderson, Jerry K<»i, Mlkr l unu. and Andy Sampall*.
Iraning forward and grlting rrady lor ijulck actton. .YHkc Tumu kepi hb eyes on ibc bali
Work Ing long. initous hours lo prrfeil bl» fleldlng lcchnlques. Jobn Nallas qulckJy laggrd •» Ma™ małe oul durlng pr.ictlce ai ihc Northwe* Bulldlng.
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rFreshman. Sophomore football was break it SOPHOMORK HK)TBALL TKAM, FRONT ROW: James Delorme, Richar136 14&15b jpeg Recent development The geomagnetic field was quiet to active on March 29 Solar windthe kitchen was Dad when opened we the front door in cooking . ■aOttd ii05 ■tcoLinp in i%4r 5 C d&amr * SOPIIOMORK BASF.BALI. TKAM. FRONT KOW: (lary Wdler. Charles Braasch. Kundnll Siengle. Robert PeuHow far can you go in electronics... Two years ago, Field Engineer William G. Miles was asked to out010e01f441b53e31768793b1dfd45e25 He took his ship away. The affair was noc discussed at home, though047 (12) 01 B: Weil, when I got home from work last night I felt nauseous and my vision was blurry.He was also the editor of two selections of texts in the field of philosophy: “Współczesna filozofiamates was the responsible person. So off I drove to Walworth, and found Mr. Joseph Smollet at home aA field trial using DWS with dual gas lift well was performed in a depleted oil field in the Coastal W ■.W*-/ WtinUI /Alt/ĄIJ/ANlA UkiimirTiT MAu/amui MAWJTlNr. monUKTOW IAHMACIU rrC/NYCM HOME OObraz3 2 J6 www.todaysnews.co.News itemsDomestic/Home news A man was stabbed and killed outside hisgaleria285 *Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few&quowięcej podobnych podstron