when Spanish Club’s float ran out of gas
One of ihe l.irgrsi floats displayed was a huge megaphonr, madę by Pcp Club
On u cool and cloudy Octobcr 21. thirty-three Ik-;»iitifully
9 9 9
decoratcd floats paraded down a thirteen mile routc. Eightecn entries were from Campus. seven from Northeast, and clghl froin Northwest. National Honor Socicty led the 1-1/2 hour paradę, rhc paradc extcndcd ihrougli parts oł Oak Liwu, Chicago Kidgr. Wonh, 1’alos llcights, Alsip, and Blue Island. A pollce cseon was ohtaincd to guide tlić paradę down iis designaled roule.
Before ilu- paradę had hegun. fivc mayors formed a jndging conunittcc for the floats. Spanish Club from Northeast took the grand prlze. The Campus ftrst place prlze was awarded to TAC Club. Northeast and Northwest first place prlze winners wcrc Krcnch Club and Speech Club. Trophlc* for thesc wlnnlng floats werc presented at the damę tliat night. Floats wcrc madę from ordinary cars coccred wltli decorallons ranging from mulił-colored balloons to klcenex and napkln flowers In chickcn wire.
(.'arn|iin Spanish Club* «ontrlhutinn lo ihr IH.K llomccoming fcstltitlcs duplayed a 'Jumping' mrssage of vktory.
jWhilr they warmeti up. Kurlidean Club members awatted the Judgcs* decUtoa.
llnplng lo send the Falcons‘out of the World,* Campus Cholrs paradę entry was amung the many walling ai Campus for ihr paradę to bcgtn

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