Your Books Can Be Yotir

Ticket Out Of Here.

When Yoti Sell Them To Us For Cash!

Some examples of prices being paid:    —

derson-Grants Atlas of Anat.,8th,$18.50 Holsti-Int•lPolitics,4th$13.2 ates-Guide to Phys. Exaro.,3rd,$16.25    ' Jarvis-Como Se Dice,2nd$12.75

enice-Precalculus,2nd,$13.50    Johnson-Biology,$17.50

ierman-Quant.Anal.for Bus. Dec.,6th,$16.75Kane-Physics,2nd,$16.50 arlson-Human GEnetics,$14.25    Kumpel-Linear Algebra,$14.25

inney-Elem. Differ. Eąuations, $13.75 Nester-Microbiologyf3rd$18.25 reedman-Statistics,$12.50    Tannenbaum-Struct.Comp.Org. r2nd$15.*|5

aber-Comp. Psych. Nursing,2nd.$16.75 Washington-Ess. Bisie Math,$12.50 arris-American Democracy,2nd,$12.75    Widom-Chemistry,$15.00

artmann-Astronomy,2nd,$12_.75 ,    _ _    Wingroyę-Organic Chero. ,$20.00

Grand Prize

Club Med Vacation For Two.

Prize: Sharp VHS Cassette Recorder.


Sony AM/FM/Cassette Walkman.

3rd »•    25 Dollar BarnesfltKobie

Głft Certłflcate.

1.    Bring us your textbooks.

2.    For ever> book we buy. we'11 give you an ENTRY BLANK. (Or just come to the “BUYBACK’’counter and ask for one—no sale necessary.) Fili out your name. addres*, and phone number and put ii in ihc *’BL Y-BACK" t'ish bowl.

5. A drawing w«i! be heiu ui 5 p.nt. o:; cne la*.t da> of finals and the winners will be announeed on each campus immeJiately thereafter.

4.    The contest is open to students only.

5.    The Grand Prize winner will be selected by random drawing from all entries received from all Barnes & Noble Campus Book Stores, and notified by registered mail prior to July 1,1984.

6.    The Ui, 2nd and 3rd prezes will be awarded by random Jraw mg ac each Banu> A. Noble C umpus Bookstorc.

All books can be sold at three caepus iocations.

Lobby of the Student Union Building    *'

Barnes & Noble

Barnes and Noble van parked nexto the Loop^week^of May 14-18

jlHSC Bookstore, 2nd Level    ^

A Service of



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