During hrr Art II elan. Chris (lot/ smoolhrtl mil llir luskir ul lin cl«v poi.


Mrs Antolnetlr łlodor Mrs. Pnirida lluss    Mu. Carol Morrlson

Ti red of missing the many visual and sen su a I delights ol cveryday objects? Art studcnts solvcd this dłlcmma: aftcr one of the many art courses they had developed an acute sensl-tlvity to form. texture, and color composition. The addition of easels and a wid er assortment of materials for dasses swellcd to nearly lwice their ordinary enrollment afforded a better prov-ing ground for raw talent. Acrylic paints werc used extcnsively for the first tlmc this ycar. Art for thc touch, using piece*, of carvcd and sandcd wood, was outllncd by Mrs. lluss, the Campus Art teacher. Studcnts partidpated In the annual Spring Kx* hiblt, PFA projcets, and the Scholastic Art Compctition.

Imaginations ran rampant as thc dasses used rectangular boxes cnclosing swlrls and eddies of creative designs, paper mache' omaments, and rciigious figures madę front pop bottles to decorate the halls of the three buildings at Christmas.

Student* of ihc NorihwrM An II rla*%. Mury Krctt and Ttrty VanHul*. worked dlllgeiitiy on colorful cardboard relief design*.


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