

The Business F.ducation Department at HI.K was tnstrumen-tal in teaching students the latest in modern business tcchniques and methods. Through classes such as stcnography, typing. and office practlcc. students prepared for yocations in the sec* retarial field. WUh skłlls such as speed and accuracy as their goals, daily drllls and exercises included brief form tests and typing mailable letters, an important part of the class routine. Other business education courses included comptomctry. data Processing, business correspondencc, bonkkeeping, and account-ing. To aid these students, the department was able lo acqu(rc a new sorter for data processing, which was only one office machinę students learned lo operate efficicntly. Various kinds of calculators and dupllcators were among tlie other cquipment which classes used. Through conscientious practice, the indł-vidual goals of each student could easily be reached.

Daily typing rxcrriae» provldcd lamy OrrtMrl and Kality Kmlcciak with a chancr tu gradually build '|»rrd and accuracy

Mr. Muurlcr Ihi^an Mrv Mart ha Kostm Mn. 1’airUia Kr/ahci

Mr Micharl Htli Mr Limie Lih»v Mr>, lloniid \Vravrr

Wts Maurem Kin# MUs Lymi Peter* in Mn. Margorte Webster

IBM machinę* inirtMiurrił Kllcen Mc Mahoń lo chr cliallcii^ln^ part* o( (lir worki 4*1 business and oflke Work lor which ahr was being prrparcd



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