Central bu»lnr»* ■ludenl* jor Doduin. Dorren VruvU, Mary Schulu, Dorls Kank, and Karm (>'('onnof learned bow lo endortr variou> ivpo of chcrka.

Students fathom


world for futurę

Rrfrrrtng momrnlarily lo her ^horih.irwl. M.irllou Maraulcy dtcikrd her lyplng. She ptartlmi «ł.iil\ lo allatri Uir wrrrt.inal »ktll» ilr»lrrtl

Pal UhmIc, Icamłng ll»r medianie* ol buslncs* cdiualkm, lUlrncd łnlrntly a* lirr Imimtor, Mr» Wcbrln, r\jilaliirti IBM dala procr»Mng.



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