Mr. Wddon Gross

Whh a Ihilr help from hl% Inaiructor. Mr Herman Jasch, (Herald ('hambrrs ucqulrcd thr knowlrdgr of ihc proprr ntrthod «l manufac-lurfng baby moon hub cap* to flt .*11 makr* and ilylrs of car*

Business establishments gave part-time

(.<ii i nu ihc proprr insiruclion from James Kolopolo*. Kirhard KrlUy Irarnrd the correct procedurę for curling pork chop*.

l)iversified Occupations was designed to Implement those tralning rosources of the school and comniunlty. Thls program prov(dcd an arrangement bet w cen business establishments in the communlty and the public high school. whereby the establishments furnished part-time employment during regular school hours and the school furnished the tcchnical suhjcct matter rela-tlvc to the occupatlon being taught. The students cach rcceivcd tralning in only one trade. Undcr the direclion of Mr. Gross, the twcnty-nlne mcm bers of DO becamc well-traincd in their rc-spectlve elcven trades. Careful attention was given to selection of these students for admission to 1X). The appllcants had to be sbctecn, have completed clght high school units, and had to bo able to work three hours daily throughout the school ycar. If all qualifications were met. the DO program provcd benefłcial to Its mrmbers for futurę occupations.

Irarnlng ihr proprr irthni.jur, IJoyd Wall gave luslrucllon lo Charles Wall



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