Confrrring wiih brr    Mr Grenler, Mary Zarnrekl rrcrivcU Insirudloiu for

lyping a Irtirr which w.i» only part of brr work ai Crrtiln and Company.

Oprrating a mnilrrn rncodrr machinr, judy Kalb followcd llic dlrrillims of Mr*. Jtinglo as Judy spruł hrr worklng portlon of(N) a( (hr Oak Liwu flank

00 students practiced

Office work and secretarlal Jobs wcrc major arcas of carccr cholces for many girls This ycar scvcn senior students cnrolled lii Office Occupatlons, a program in which they could attend scłiool wl»ile(al the same time) they gained ex per lence by on-lhe-Job training. Kach student that slgncd up for this course had to inaintain a (! average, attending school iii the morning and working in the afternoon. joh opportunities often lasted from noon to 5:30 In the afternoon. The Jobs required alertness, good grooming, politeness, and intelligence. This program often led to wcll-patd Jobs upon graduatłon.

Kctail storę business olTices, manufacturlng companies. and ser v i cc areas were sonie of the flelds in which the students wcrc employed. Kmploycrs could be certa i n that thelr officc occupa-tlons employcc was ably suited to the Job. having had cxccllcnt training and spcclfic education in business proccdurcs.

Av%Utlng Mr. Kłt/grraki, iilfornry ar bw, Vlckl Carv workrd At the v.irlrd Jołn «ł a secrcUl)1 ** pan of hrr *tct!vc business rducatlon provkJcił by

Miss l.vnn Peterson




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