Miss Martha Mcim/ri Mrs. Opal Peter son Miss foyer PoMwdler
Miss Nancy Slgnorc Mr. Paul Vega Mr. Wolfgang Walkę
Mr. Richard Dahhr
Miss Jranne Rlrrkrr Mr Owen Davł»
Mrs. |iidirh Dakbr' Mr. Anlhony fanka
Civlng thrir fuli allmliun to thr taped rrcordlngs In Kussian Languagc Lab werr Chris Gon and Gordona Ofirmariu.
Fren eh, German. !.atln. Kussian, and Spanish were oflered to the students at Kichards. Scvcral ncw tcachers were added to the stalT, bringing with them many interesting teaching methods. Glasscs learned the haśle languagc skills of listening. speaklng, readlng, and wrlting, and were introduccd to the customs and cultures of the various countries they were studying. Filmstrips, panel discusslons, records. lapcs, and evcn "Happy Birthday* songs were used In interesting demonstratlons.
I.anguage lab was part ol intensive efforts to produce llnency and skill. l apcs Incrcased the listening and orał comprehenslon of many students. Fourth year students found it cspcclally usc-ful as they dlscovered that languagc was not Just a college re-cjuirement. While reading the literaturę of other people in the natlvc languagc. they looked forward to some distant datę wlien they could use tlieir knowledge in a loreign country.
Panlomiming a trlrphonr coiucrvailon (nr the class gavc Chude Chcatlr an out-Id for dlsplaying his Spanish Hurmy and also las actllig ablllty.
!Jvdy discusslons led by Mr Paul Vegs» Indudrd his own cxhibltlon of aulhrn lic Mcxtcan pottery and Chrlsilnr IIlekcy‘s prcscnlnilon of a colorfut plnata.