Speaking in a foreign language: Enhancing the quality of classroom interaction Konin, May ll,h-13u’, 2015 Conference Program

Ali plenary and parallel sesshns will lakę place in Ihe PWSZ Conference Center (ul. ks. J. Popiełuszki 4)

Monday, May 11th

10:00 Regislration (Hall of the PWSZ Conference center)

11:30 -12:00 Coffee break (Hall of the PWSZ Conference center)

12:00 -12:10 Opening address (Panoramie room - 1!l floor)

Plenary session (Panoramie room - 1M floor). Chair: prof. Mirosław Pawlak

12:10-13:00 Plenary lecture: prof. Merrill Swain (University of Toronto) Student to student talk: Enhancing its qualityin the second/foreign language classroom.

13:00 -13:50 Plenary lecture: prof. Hanna Komorowska (University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw) Comersational styles - pltfalls of attribution.

13:50-15:00Lunch (PWSZ Cafeteria, ul. Ks. J. Popiełuszki 4)

Parallel sessions


Speaking and indń/idual differences


Materials and techniques in teaching speaking


The role of technology in teaching speaking

SESSION 4 Teaching and learning speaking in different contexts

Room: Panoramie prof. Jan Majer

dr Dorota Werbińska

Room: 2 Chair:

prof. Steve Walsh

Room: 3 Chair:

prof. Ewa Piechurska-Kuciel

15:00 -15:30

Mirosław Pawlak Anna Mystkowska-Wiertelak

Piotr Steinbrich

Krzysztof Kotula

Ahmet Ihsan Tepe

Exploring English majors’ willingness to communicate during content classes.

Code-switching as a pedagogically (in)vakd strategy in an L2 classroom.

Virtual reality in language learning - towards a new communication paradigm in classroom dlscourse?

Imestigation of the effects of the reasons for learning foreign languages on speaking skills.



Edyta Olejarczuk

Magdalena Walenta

Shaidatul Akma Adi Kasuma

Paul Daniel

The relationship between the use of language learning strategies, learners' beliets about CALL, and FL

i f pil im



Taking It to the next Lei/el: A research on how to improve teaching English as a foreign

experiences and behaviors.



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