Mr$. |can Oiliendu Mim Dianę Drnuite
Mi*. Callicrtnc K.imciIiiih Mrv Marllyn laicy
A* Chris Brazi* rrad ihc rrclpr «o ihrm. Drtihlr Shaw and Martkay Clynn gathrred ihr IngirdimU and uinnll* logclhrr ihat were nccc*»ary for (lir flnldird product
In Mn. Lwy1* roMking dau ai NorlheaM. |anlcc Sulltvan and Gloria Hanko kepi carrlul waich on llicir puddlng mi llial il w«uldn*l buru.
Futurę homcliodies found tliut the courscs m Home economics ofTered a chan cc lo try all thosc things mothers arc leary of per* mitting ai home. All phases were thoroughly cxplorcd, and wlth the help of an Increased number of tcachcrs to help them througli the trouble spots, students tested thelr Innatc abilitłes. One class designed and furnished the finishing touches for the home cc lounge, whfle still another created thelr flrst hometnadc outfits. Krom hash to fonduc, the wafts of smclls that lloatcd down the corridors from thelr kitchcn were cnough to tantali/.e anyone. Clrls also found that the scction devotcd to chlld care and nur.sing was ol inflnlte valuc, as they rcall/.cd that such du-ties ntay not he lou far In the futurę.
As houscwłfcly habits were Instilled In the girls, they dis* covercd that the art of homcniaking was not as easy as It look ed, while at the sanie linie it was inłeresting and enjoyablc.
In Mn. Callcndoh Carter CłfU tla^s Carol /v|lkovlU tarrlully truted dam onlo her patlrrn wlirre ihry *cir lu br vwn.