Sc*otch fłtnc*
This long-sleeved mim dress can oe used as a biocie to deve!op many ether oress and T-shirt designs Make a toile m stretch cotton jersey Complete the pattern and add cut-off marks for shorter tops If superstretch fab'ic i$ <s used. the ga?ment wili puf over the head. otherwise make a sbort opening at the neckfcne Most ol the 'ollowing garments start with a high necilne. Dut vanouS shapes can be edded
Use a stand ard an arm adjusted to body measurernents. Raise the stand underarm point by 2cm (VT|. Tape a smaller armhole, approaimately 35cm <13V«"1 m c>'cumference. on the stanc and arm.
Model the back and front dress simuitaneously. Stretch fabnes may be tubulat or fiat and of vano«3 wdths. Tjbuior fabrics have foldmarks where the fabr* is fiattened when rolled Use the folds fo- the garment sides wheh will be cut to shape the borty. If fabne is non-tubular. cut off ©rc dress length and pin the cut eoges together to form a tubę.
la) On* tubular d'**» l*nQth Mark e«ntr* front, contr* bock »nd buatlm*.
lb) Pu l th* lub* over th« stand. matching cont'«« and buatlm* Anchor pin *houtd«r» and
bud pointa
te) Graap th* fabrie »t bolh adta. takmg m aaual amoontj to tbat th* labnc lit* th* ttand »rom endtrarm to h*m. Pin th* tid* mmi
(dl Shap* th* nncUin* and armhole and pan th* thoOdor KO"! the wholo M ahould b* amooth.
I*) Cut * p-ece o* r*6r< th* length of th* »rm. Mark th* c*ntr* ard underarm In*.
(0 Pn the rabie (o th* *rnv matching mtrk*d Imea
Ig) Tutn th* atm over and pin tha under*'m icom
<h> Smooth tabne cne- th* top or th* atm and pm to th* smal:*- armhol*. Allow nartom mm allowanc* Mark Mama and lemoit trom th* arm