Sedlmrniary, Mrtamorphłr, and Ignrnu* wrre rocki diMii>vd in Mr. Kudła* *lrmr * Make Mirr your tpccinim I* %%dl focusrd ... * Miss L*u's advlsc camr In dass by Brth Fedey. Bob Slas. and Jim SiIcts łiaitdy for student* Sue 0'Conor, Dchblc Lasiandrrllo. Mladrn Mllovac,
and Penny Major.
Rocks rolled in minds of science students
Wrłghlng filier paprT lo grt ihc ac cwale Wright of a subMancc. (.rnrgr l)eVrle* and Itcllnda NeUoo watched the Kair with ansłous ryci.