

Mrs. Barbara llr.uithrld    M|»» Carołyn DrBrower    Mrs F.llrm Dykstra

Mr. Klchard lianem    Mr. Itoger James    Mr i-eoryr K a li v ud a

Mr Konald LidwiK    Mr lec 1'rnion    Mr. James Harry

Mr Bruce Hodgrr    Mrs. Marjorie Scovcl    Mr |errv Nhalrr

Social Studics men experimented with team

Varioti» vłrw point* In World crlsr* werc divuwrd bv Mr. Kallvoda and his «u-denls whlle c.»ch panini ncw msiulii In rrłallun l«* ihe world around ii*

The Social Studics Department includcd a numhcr of courscs that provlded an intcrcstlng and dctaiicd look at the world; lis hlstory, peoples, rcsources and econotnic movctncnt. Freshmcn could begłn a four year rangę of studics with such courscs as Ccography and (!onservatlon, following them with World His-tory, American llistory, Current AlTairs. and (litfzenship.

Team teachlng proved to l>c quitc succcssful as Mr. Nansen and Mr. Didwig trlcd it with their own (iovcrnmcnt and Kcon-omics elasses. Scniors learned to jday the stock market and ac* cumulatcd all the dctails ol running the govcmmcnt.

Psychology was a favorite coursc with many students. li hrought an Increased understanding of how and why the niind functions as it docs. Neurosls and psychosis werc delved Into.

In eadi of these courscs students Ich that tlicy came away eloser in spirit. ready to function clearly in (his socicty.

In order lo #atn a # frater |>erepreiivr of the materiał thry werr Mudviii|t, Arlnie liave» and I)avc Prrsta consuited oulsldc *ources




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