The department oi Social Studies received a new area chairman when the dts-tnct hired Madeline Nelson.
The course ottenngs in the de-partment are varied. Students can explore all aspects oi hu* man behavior both past and present through the courses of-fered.
Two oi the courses are manda* tory lor Senior students and if they do not successiully com* plete either of the courses they must repeat it to get a diploma.
Ms. Lueckes psych class dui lasie lest3 in clans.
Carolme Tnpam And Chris Con-nors work lo linish their bisiory homework
Social Studies Department: Marilyn OShaughnessy Tom Rekruciak Fred Monk. Eleanor Malloy. Pat Luecke, Richard Han sen. Gary Korhonen. Tony D Anza. Richard DeVerdier C.V. Shelton.
Ltstenlng mieniły lo Mr Hansens leclure. nemor Frank Di Focjqio |ots down notes lo prepar»* lor łas A.P gowmmenl test in May