Inspector. Canadian Department oi Transport
NEW spccifications arc now bcing draftcd by thc Canadian government covering radiotelcphone cquipmcnt with a maximum power undcr 15 watts, intcndcd for usc on smali boats whorc lack of spaco or primary power sources precludes higher powered scts. Until now the requirement has been for a minimum power of 15 watts r.f. output and the lowering of this limit will en-able a number of smaller boats to be cquipped for safety purposes.
It is expected that spccifications will become effective November 1, 1960. Present drafts of spccifications cali for compulsory installation of 2182 kc. (International distress and calling fre-quency) and one inter-ship communica-tion channel. At the present time there are approximatcly 2000 radio-equipped vessels on the East Coast and about 4000 on the West Coast of Canada. It is anticipated that powers under 15 watts will result in a greatly increased market in the form of smali, battery-operated phones.
Batterics may, or may not, be sclf-contained. Construction must follow good engineering practice and flame* resistant wire used throughout. Fre-quencies must be crystal-controlled and all crystals and tubes must have clamps to prevent mechanical movement. Change-over from one frequency to another must not be over five seconds and a time limit of two seconds applies on the change from sending to receiv-ing and vice ver.su, Canadian intership frequcncy assignments are:
East Coast 2134, 2638. and 2738 kc.; Great Lakes 2003 kc.; Lakę Winnipeg area 2318 and 4645 kc.; West Coast 2318 for fishing vessels; 2366 for other than fishing vessels, and 2638 and 2738 kc. for all vessels.
Equipment for sale in the Canadian market must meet the requirements of the spccifications which outline the various engineering tests which must be performed to obtain government ap-proval. Drafts of “Radio Standards Spccifications" (#134 for transmitters and #135 for receivers) are obtainable free of charge from the Department of Transport, Telecommunications Branch, Ottawa, Canada. —
... the
dealer-servlceman's fuse rack •.. for wali mounting
an advanced new design for the W0RLD'S FINEST P0RTABLE ANALYZER
Herełs an all-new version of the famous WESTON MODEL
980 VoIt-Ohm-Milliammeter . . . engineered to offer you
• INCREASED RANGĘ. High-voltage rangę has been ex-tended to 4000 vo!ts.
• INCREASED SENSITMTY. D-C sensitivity of 20,000 ohms/voIt; accuracy within 2% of fuli scalę.
• 1MPR0VED SHIELDING. Cormag® mechanism assures positive magnetic shielding; housing shields against elec-trostatic interference.
• GREATER RUGGEDNESS. Spring-backed jewel move-ment resists shock, vibration; case is impact-resistant Ohm-ranges are fuse-protected.
• SIMPLIFIED CONTROL. Single dial control for rangę and function switching.
• NEW COMPACTNESS. Size and weight are reduced for maximum convenience and portability.
Order from your local Wcston distributor. For information, write to
Daystrom-Weston. Salcs Division, Ncwark 12, N. I. In Canada:
Daystrom, Ltd., 840 Caledonia- Rd., Toronto 19, Ont. Export:
Daystrom Z/i/7., 100 Empire St., Ncwark 12, N. J,