

Th© offlces of the Labour Market Agency ar© asslsted by specific adyisory bodies to ©nsur© that th© offlces1 activities reflect the interests of th© Soclal Partnership. This informal consensual orientation has strongly lnfluenced all of Austrian postwar labour market policles, auch that, on an International comparlson, there has been relatlvely llttl© State regulatlon of th© labour market. The declslon-makers work th© agreement that compromls© on on© level saves lntervention on another.

The Councll for Labour Market Policy

Th© Councll of Labour Market Policy is th© Ministry of Soclal Affalr98 advisory comitte© within th© Soclal Partnership. This


councll thus includes six members from ©ach of th© ©mployer organisations (Chamber of Commerce, Association of Industria-lists, Chamber of Agriculture) and employee organisations (Chamber of Labour, Trade Unions, Chamber of Agricultural Labour). It further conslsts of one representative each of the Chancellory, th© Mlnlstries of Finance, Commerce, Agriculture and Forestry, Construction and Technology, Internal Affairs, Cducation and Art, and Transportation and of representatives from th© fleld8 of ©conomlc and soclal Sciences. This constellation is expected to represent the interests of the

economy as a whole, which the State*8 labour market policy is


eąually reąuired to support.


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