Project oriented measures:

The Labour Market Administration differentiates between individual jobs and project jobs. An individual Job is given if the subsldlzed worker is integrated into an existing team and the field of activity of the participating employer essentially remains the same.

Thus it is also possible to establish morę individual jobs at the same employer. It becomes morę complicated with regard to project jobs. Translated into the language of the Labour Market Administration, the word "project" in connection with the "Aktion 8000" is only used if it will be founded in order to execute the subsidy programme. This means that project jobs are limited in respect of the volume of activity, the level of ąualification needed and the time estimated. The jobs created for the project are therefore defined as project jobs. Public as well as non profit institutions may participate.

To ease the choice of the participants for the Labour Office the ministerial programme planning has given various suggestions for appropriate organisation forms. Specially ąualified employers for the execution of project jobs with subsidies of the "Aktion 8000" are officially: communities, associate communities, forest authorities, local environment lobbies, citizens committees, women's centers, youth centers, religious institutions, social welfare centers, and so on.


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