“His own opinion was the law and e’en thougłi rancjuished he eould argue still."
Fred has only been with us three years but in that time has done morę than most of us in four.
Pres. of elass, Treas. of A. A. *14-'15, Debato *14-15.
"A perfect woman. nobly planned;
To wam, to eomfort and command.”
Always pleasant, extremelv sensiblo and well poised she lias madę many friends.
Yiee Pres. of elass, Ass’t Editor of Reveille, Vice Pres. of Girls* A. A. *1.3 *14. Pres. *14*15. Basket-ball manager *12-'13.
"Weelt in, werk out, from moru till night You ean hear his bellows blow."
Ted is a good soul fond of giving a<lviee whieh probably would be beueficial if heeded.
Sec. and Treas. of elass, eheer leader *13*14. Art Editor of Reveille.
“She is pretty, she is sweet,
She is prim and very neat.”
Mabel is always smiling and never in her his-torv has she been known to frown.
"His cows and ehickens were his only t arę, And his sujneme delight a county fair."
dolni Glenn is niaking a remarkable showing. No doubt he will beeome an engineer for he can tell you how to do anything from raising pump-kins to buildiug au automobile.
“How? W hen ? Where? Who? Whieh? What?
A storę of freckles and a cheerful smile—no won der your cares vanish upór. meeting her.
page thirteen