“As modest and attractive as a blushing maid."
"Fish” hails from Albany—meaning New Al bany. Anyway ho has conneoted up favorablv with his classmates and—
“Blessings on thee, littlo man;
Barofoot boy with checks of tan."
“Of all sad words of tougue or pen;
The saddest aro tliese—T love all men.’ "
A good student is Elsie, one of whoin the (dass of ’15 may woli be proud.
“Kuows what hc knows as if he knew it not; What he reinembers he seems to liave forgot.”
Karl has been blessod with that rare musical abilitr wliieh can nrodnee a tune from even a woni out grind organ.
"What she undertakes slie does."
Yes, we all know Mary. She is a star debater —especially on the subject of "Kqual Suffrage.”
Mgr. of Girls' Basket-ball 'ló. Vioe Pres. of . Athenium Socicty '14-’15. Debatę 'I4*’I5. Drama tic Kditor of Rereille.
“Sleep, little one, sleep."
Russell is able nevertheless to make it wami
for his friends with his abundanee of rosv red
"With smiles and giggles for all tinie."
A ty pica 1 High Sehool girl. She has proved that the best goods are done up in the smallest pac kages.
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