page cighteen
“My tongue within my lips 1 rcin Por w ho talks much must talk in vain.”
A quiet eh i 1«l who belieres that little girls should be scen and not henrd—except at start'
Class Representative of Reveille.
"Slie is brave and sweet and witty,—
Let lis not say duli things about hor."
Ruth is loyally devoted to the red and blaek,— partieularly the red. Also she is a hearty entliu-siast of athletics.
Basket-ball ’13-’14. Manager *14. Captain 1"». Girls* Athletie Bditor of Rereille.
“As fine a fellow as can be found in a su miner*s
“Herby” has left an indelible impressiou upon his elassmates as far as ;i genuine gentleman is eoncerned.
Debato *14. Sec. of A. A. *I4-*15.
“Lively and gOSSuping,"
Sto red with the pleasures of the tattling worhl. And with a spiec of mirth, too.”
Oontented as the day is long, Edith earries five studies an<l wonders what to do with all of her time.
“A still, smali voice.”
Vet that smali is possessed by a reader of no little ability.
“A nineteen-fifteen fashion piąte, llats, gloves and shocs all up to datę."
At Physics he*s a wonder, but in explainiug Physics we wish that he would explain his ex* planation.
Asst. Business Manager of Reveille.