ITEM XXXV. Russell Campf wills specially patented ideas concerning plans for the promotion of a new “Rapid Transit” company, to Ray Whinnery. “Dutch” doesnt intend to set the world on firc with his plans of new and wonderful possibili-ties, hut in his own steady way he will help to push the world on in its course.
ITEM XXXVI. .Mary Pow leaves li er unusual ability to secure the last worcł with even an echo, to Florence Lair. If Florence can use her newly acąuired gift with any degree of success, there will be no peace of mind for any of us. W'e have heard it rumored that they let the phonograph talk to Mary at home, and just now we wonder if it isn ’t tnie!
ITEM XXXVII. Oatherine Cronin leaves her pleasant disposition to William Read, who will now become as happy as a lark. Observe that wlien he smiles it causes a geo-graphical disturbance wliieh can only be measured by botli North and South latitnde, if you take his ears to be the North and South poles.
ITEM XXXVIII. Mildred Ilutcheson wills her ability to make acquaintances with out of town boys, to Helen Redington. We are unable to see the judgment in such a gift, for hasn*t Helen morę than her share of this laudable (?) faeulty? Helen has been known to sav. ‘‘I know a man in every port.” but the Seniors say. that it‘s a case of “Any port in a storni will do.”
ITEM XXXIX. Earl Shisler does will and give his ability to blow the clarinet to “l)oc” Matthews. We all rejoice, for we are tired of hearing “Doc” blowing about nothing. We wish Earl heaps of good fortunę for giving him at least something to blow, and as the wind will be intermiugled with a little musie, it will be much less objeetionable.
ITEM XL. To one of our farmer lads, Carl Hannay, Ruth Seeds does give, will and bełjueath her extensive knowledge of Bot any and a wide eariety of seed eatalogues. (They are simply inferenees anyone would draw upon reading her last name.) To one who knows Ruth quite well, her information regarding the above mentioned science does not seem so extensive as her name would appear to imply. The honest praetica-bility of RutlFs gift will be seen at a glance, beeause we realize that seed planting time is drawing near.
ITEM XLI. Anna Carey leaves all but twelve dozen of her freckles to Harry Lewis, who intends starting a Saeings & Loan company in the near futurę. The new enterprise will be promoted under such a large capital that no other results than ‘‘big dividends” can be expected. Judging from the pictures of the Senior Class, one would eonclude that stock could not be liad for any price within a few days after opening.
ITEM XLII. Lillian Hayes does hereby will and give her <jniet and graceful man-ner of moving about to Glenn Harris. Gleun has just passed through that period of a boy's life when he grows the most. On several oceasions, he has ineoluntarily been madę the target of jests. when to his amazement he found one of his feet stubbornly trying to go one direetion, at just the precise moment when he was wishing his other foot to go the opposite way. It is truły wished by the Seniors that Lillian’s gift will bring him eonsolation.
ITEM XL1II. Eugene White gires, wills and bequeaths his ability to keep out of other peoples way, and his eharacteristie distaste for trouble, to Charles Carey. “Tot”
puge twenty-flve