Moreover, upon completion of a 2-year course in a non-worker specialisation, learners are awarded the title of technician or a different vocational title as defined in the classification of vocational education occupations and specialisations. Except those who acquire the vocational title of nurse or midwife, they also obtain the vocational title diploma (dyplom uzyskania tytułu zawodowego).
Special post-secondary schools are designed for blind young people, those with motor disabilities and those with chronię diseases who have completed secondary education.
Post-secondary education. Statistical data (school year 2001/2002)
Total number |
Total number |
Total number | |
of schools |
of pupils |
of teachers | |
Post-secondary schools, incl.: |
2 625 |
211004 |
11268 |
public |
963 |
108426 |
7985 |
8.2.2. Post - gymnasium (vocational) schools afterthe implementation of the Act of 2001
3-year specialised secondary school (Liceum profilowane)
The specialised secondary school is a new type of school, which started to function on 1sl of September 2002. It is a 3-year school providing education in generał vocational specializations, enrolling the graduates of gymnasium. Pursuant to the Regulation of the Minister of National Education and Sport of 16 January 2002 on the specializations of generał vocational education, these types of schools provide education in a dozen of generał vocational education specializations corresponding to the existing fields of economy and the labour market needs.
Currently, there are the following specializations: Chemical examination of environment, economy and administration, electronic, electronic and technical specialization, clothes design, landscape architecture, forestry and wood technology, mechanic production techniques, mechatronics, food and agriculture, social science, transport and dispatching, services and economy, information management, artistic and applied crafts in metal. The establishment of this type of school resulted from the necessity of facing such modern challenges of the labour market as multiple change of vocational qualifications during whole Professional career of individuals. Therefore the specialised generał secondary schools were designed as schools enabling pupils to acquire generał vocational knowledge and skills, which will constitute the basis for forming their futurę Professional qualifications after the completion of specialised secondary school.
Thus the curricula were developed in such a way that the graduates may change their vocational qualifications in short cycles of learning (from 0.5 to 1.5) in a post- secondary school or in forms of non-school education. The teaching contents for the respective specializations have a modular and błock form. It means that that these teaching contents - as opposed to the traditional curricula, where the choice of the teaching contents is madę according to the disciplines of science - were regrouped in thematic, interdisciplinary blocks constituting the sets of skills and teaching contents within a defined scope.
The graduates - having passed the maturity examination in accordance with the new formula - will be awarded the maturity certificate of the specialised secondary school (świadectwo dojrzałości liceum profilowanego). Holders of this maturity certificate may apply for admission to a higher education institution. The graduates who will not take the above mentioned examination will be