r* jf 54

Faculty Legislation (continued)

6. Any student in schoiastic difficulty ahould mke an appointraent to discuss his situation with the Dean. In cases of extenuating circumstances, these rules rnay be modified by the Dean.

5.    The Faculty Councll on January 31, 1959 > approved by the circularization procedurę the proposals (l) to establish an inter- )') departrcental program in Biology, (2) to establish a major in Russian x/y for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Plan I, (3) to amend the introductory ' paragraph under the Degree of Bachelor of Journalism and to amend two^ reąuirenieats under the same degree, (k) to amend the foreign language xęyreąuirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Physics, and (5) to establish a minimum registration in reąuired courseB for freshman and sophomores (D&P 26^7-2660), copy of which is attached hereto as APPENDDC D.

6.    The General Faculty on February 12, 1959> approved by the circularization procedurę the recomraendations of the Faculty Council on transfer and admission to the University of Texas (General Faculty Minutes, 7238-89; 7290-91), copy of which is attached hereto as APPENDDC E.

WAIV5R OF NEPOTISM; Mr. Thomas A. Crosson was employed August 7/ 195Ć, in the Purcha6ing Office as Administrative Assistant at $320 per month. In February, 1957* when the University was going into its enlarged inyestment program, Mr. Charles J. Crosson was employed as a Security Analyst in the Investment Office at $539 per month. At that time the Office of Classified Personnel pointed out that Mr. Thomas Crosson was being groomed for a responsible Job in the Purchasing Office and that the employment of Mr. Charles Crosson might prevent his later promotion. Because of the difficulty of sacuring a ąualified Security Analyst and because of the urgent need for the servicee of Mr. Charles Crosson, he was employed. Since neither of the brothers had any influence or will have on the appointment of the other, I recommend that the nepotism rule be vaived in this instance and that both men be allowed to continue employment with no restriction on advanceraent.


I recommend that an appropriation of $12,028 from Account No. 27200, Iraprovements, Remodeling, and Major Repairs Allotment Account be set up for repairs and remodeling of five houses at the McDonald 0bservatoryN The remodeling program has been approved by Dr. Kulper, Dean Whaley,

Mr. Krebs, and Mr. Sparenberg and the contractor’s award was madę to Mr. R. D. McCready, Fort Davis, Texas. The use of the money from Main Universlt.y is an interim arrangement. When the total appropriation for new construction and improvements at the 0bservatory is madę, the amount here reąuested will be restored. (3279)

SUMMER SESSION 1959 - SCH00Ł 0F 30CIAL WORK; I recommend approval of the reąuest of tKe School of Social Work to offer a six weeks term for the summer of 1959 and a six weeks and a nine weeks term in summer of 1960 for second year and first year studenta, respective The Director of the School feels that this is necessary sińce the curriculum has been establlshed on a time-span of two long terma and two six weeks summer terms (the first in each instance), The studenta entering in September 1959 would take the nine weeks term in the summer of I96O and finish their course by the spring of 19Ć1*





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